Example sentences of "is [indef pn] more [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Wood 's principles are those of Loudon more than three decades later : ‘ a palace is nothing more than a cottage IMPROVED ’ , he wrote .
2 ‘ This is very interesting , ’ she said , ‘ but I 'm afraid that it is nothing more than a performance .
3 ‘ The state is nothing more than a machine for the oppression of one class by another . ’
4 Thus , it is nothing more than a clearing house which does nothing in its own right .
5 If life is nothing more than a moving from one activity to the next it is not surprising if we become restless , cluttered and superficial .
6 If that is what is intended , the objector would say , then constructivism is nothing more than a kind of behaviourism ( another attempt to replace the mental by the behavioural ) ; or perhaps we might lump it together with Marxist attempts to ‘ resolve ’ the mind-body problem in terms of ‘ praxis ’ .
7 The exhibition therefore is nothing more than a rerun of Celant 's European power-broking of the lat 1960s , a European and specifically a Milanese challenge to America 's claim to the avant-garde which nevertheless included many successful ( male ) American artists of the period .
8 Quite a few people argue that managed competition is nothing more than a compromise , cobbled together to make sure that the mighty insurers and high-tech hospitals stay in business .
9 The fact that you report through him is nothing more than a formula to save his face .
10 The right of assembly , as Professor Dicey puts it , is nothing more than a view taken by the court of the individual liberty of the subject .
11 The right of assembly , as PROFESSOR DICEY puts it ( LAW OF THE CONSTITUTION ( 8TH Edn. ) p. 499 ) , is nothing more than a view taken by the courts of individual liberty of speech .
12 The right of assembling is nothing more than a result of the view taken by the courts as to individual liberty of person and individual liberty of speech .
13 This denial is exposed by the strategy of ‘ family planning ’ in our country , which is nothing more than a pillar of the apartheid programme .
14 Too many people believe football is nothing more than a game , but you and I know it to be so much more .
15 This is nothing more than a deaggregation of larger line items .
16 It is like pedigree dogs — a pedigree is special but a cross-breed is nothing more than a mongrel .
17 The play is nothing more than a succession of her venomous attacks on the sons ’ girls and the sons ' unbelievably feeble attempts to fight back .
18 To oppose them is a patriotic act ; their own use of national flags and symbols is nothing more than a sham masking their terroristic inclinations .
19 ‘ The cookery book ’ Oakeshott writes , ‘ is not an independently generated beginning from which cooking can spring ; it is nothing more than an abstract of somebody 's knowledge of how to cook : it is the stepchild , not the parent of the activity . ’
20 " Who does not know " , said Alexander III in 1886 of Gorchakov 's successor , " that the pitiful Giers ( N.K. Giers , foreign minister 1881 – 94 ) is nothing more than an executor of my will ? " , while almost two decades later an even more self-effacing foreign minister had no doubt that " my duty consists in telling the emperor what I think about every question , and then when the Sovereign decides I must obey unconditionally and try to see that the Sovereign 's decision is executed " .
21 The wielding of government power is nothing more than the art of imposing one 's will .
22 Their overall effect is to permit detention for up to ninety-six hours , a far cry from the limit of twenty-four hours suggested by section 41 , and to allow it notwithstanding that its primary purpose is nothing more than the questioning and interrogation of the suspect .
23 This holds that society is nothing more than the individuals who make it up and that they can be described , as causal agents in the social situation , solely with regard to their individual psychology and to nothing else .
24 De Man 's progress towards the aporia of hidden and manifest content in Proust is nothing more than the elaboration of his initial imperfect translation .
25 Writers on policy analysis are agreed that a policy is something more than a decision .
26 If you have succeeded in fully engaging the sympathies of your readers you will probably have produced for them a main character who is something more than a stereotype , who has about him or her a good deal of the complexity of real life .
27 I consider that we have a very important national duty to perform in this respect ; this city is something more than the mother of arts and eloquence ; she is the mother of nations ; we are peopling two continents , the Western and the Southern Continent , and we are organising , christianising and civilising large portions of two ancient continents , Africa and Asia ; and it is not right that when the inhabitants of those countries come to the metropolis , they should see nothing worthy of its ancient renown .
28 Michael Middleton might argue ‘ that Minton is aware of man , … in relation to nature , to his self-constructed civilisation , to the passing moment , ’ but his failure to establish for his figures a setting that is anything more than a backcloth , limited the humanism inherent in his work , as well as its social or political relevance .
29 Unlike some of its competitors , Bull says it has yet to work out whether or not Posix compatibility for proprietary systems is anything more than a marketing gimmick , and so it has not yet embarked on the expensive process of adapting the GCOS operating systems to comply with Posix .
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