Example sentences of "is [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One way of by-passing philosophical misgivings about the materiality of software is to appeal to the broader mandate of science museums to maintain a material record of technological change .
2 But if Mr 's argument is that windfalls and recycled land are as it were free of any environmental penalties and can be added to his thirty one thousand , then I think that er the way to treat that is to come to a higher number which takes them properly into account .
3 Above all , and most curiously of all , it is to come to a deeper knowledge of the inexplicable mercy of God , and of that fierce love that simply will not let his world go .
4 Another method is to grip under the lower calf with the unaffected hand to lift the hemiplegic leg across .
5 In addition to the two partners , the project is to draw on an earlier agreement between Northern Telecom and Cincinnati Bell Information Systems Inc for developing Service Management Systems .
6 One of the major objectives is to contribute to a better understanding of how the scientific constructs used to represent the objectives and practices of nature conservation in the United Kingdom can be communicated more effectively to the general public .
7 His solution to the problem of scholarship is to call for a closer alliance between literary criticism and the historical study of language , to be achieved through the kind of emphasis on literary language which he himself had favoured since the 1930s .
8 So technology has advanced considerably , and what we 've done is to capitalise on the younger engineers and we 've introduced another phase called neighbourhood engineers and this is where we rely on the er goodwill of the firms to actually sa let their seconder engineers sometimes , but certainly let them out into the er into the schools careers convention work places to talk to the actual youngster itself .
9 If the motor is to operate at a higher speed then the induced voltage is larger and the applied voltage must also increase , so that current flows into the winding over the extended speed range .
10 Our policy is to recruit at the lower levels and train those staff who show aptitude for managerial responsibility .
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