Example sentences of "is [vb pp] out by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , this is what big shops , particularly in America , have now been doing for a few years , in that the till that takes your order as it were is also a computer terminal on line to large computers somewhere else , and every time your tin of baked bins is checked out by the girl on the till , it is adjusting the stocks on its large computer and saying , ‘ Hey , we 're going to run out of baked beans at approximately ten o'clock tomorrow morning .
2 This check is carried out by the Audit Commission , usually on an annual basis .
3 When prototypes have satisfied the OR Staff , production is carried out by the Procurement Executive of the Ministry of Defence , using commercial contracts of a number of different types such as ‘ fixed price ’ , ‘ single tender ’ , and the much criticised ‘ cost-plus ’ , which is used when the technical risks are too high , the contractors able to tender too few , or the time too short for normal competitive tendering .
4 However , the conversion from a numeric user-address to a device address in terms of cylinders and records is carried out by the manufacturer 's software , and thus involves an overhead of both primary storage space and CPU time .
5 At the distant end , the conversion from electrical signals to sound is carried out by the earpiece and the listener receives the information .
6 It is important that planning is carried out by the managers involved in the activities of a business so that they can relate to the plan and feel that the plan is their plan .
7 That determination process is carried out by the Home Office and the adjudication tribunal .
8 ( Photosynthesis is carried out by the stem ) , e.g. heather , cacti
9 The first of these has meant that systematic surveillance is carried out by the branch over organizations that regularly organize demonstrations and marches or are involved in industrial disputes .
10 Is carried out by the professional .
11 US regulation of the futures industry is carried out by the CFTC which sanctions new contracts or changes in trading practices .
12 Investigation in these areas is carried out by the police .
13 Intervention — the management of the Treasury 's Exchange Equalisation Account ( EEA ) is carried out by the Bank of England .
14 Brachiopod feeding is carried out by the lophophore ( p. 61 ) , a ciliated band usually carried on a loop , which also creates the currents used in feeding .
15 Unlike the statutory listing of buildings , which is carried out by the Department of the Environment , it is local authorities that have the power to designate conservation areas .
16 Outside the governmental research activities major work is carried out by the universities , through departments of social administration and social policy , sociology , applied social science , social medicine and so on .
17 It is possible that Minton chose this subject , in which the relevance of the Crucifixion is cancelled out by the attention given to a game of chance , as an expression of his own despair at the malignancy of fate .
18 Making mylar sheets is a little more effort , but this is cancelled out by the fact that you usually need to mark much less .
19 In an early episode of Hill Street Blues the ‘ joke ’ of a ‘ nut ’ who thinks he is Dracula , complete with cape and thirst for blood , is caught out by the discovery that he has hanged himself in his cell .
20 Moreover , the word ‘ notion ’ is not meant to suggest that he is talking of an idea in our minds ; he is concerned rather with that actual feature of good things which is picked out by the word ‘ good ’ .
21 The incorrectly fitted coping is sorted out by the skaters allowing full skate action to commence but not for long .
22 In some systems of law the disability of persons under full age is helped out by the powers of the parent or guardian , who can represent the child , and , by acting on his behalf or giving concurrence to his acts , can make dispositions of his property and contracts binding on him .
23 This view of the meaning of Exodus 6:2–3 is borne out by the evidence of Genesis .
24 However that may be , the prediction that non-ascriptive adjectives will be ungrammatical here is borne out by the evidence of associatives and others ( this is the more revealing , since it might sometimes be possible to understand the meaning which would be intended by the construction where they could be supposed to occur ) : ( 62 ) Fanshawe reported O'Neill 's collar clerical Jones could not imagine his wife former
25 Much of the significance of ancient sites comes from their use for ritual purposes , and this is borne out by the survivals of ancient traditions .
26 FMEs prepared to advise defence lawyers seem to be in growing demand , and that is borne out by the experience within our group , whose members go out of their way to stress that we work as independent consultants .
27 The fact that the consultative process described serves to enhance , rather than hinder , the task of school management is borne out by the school 's successful introduction over the last few years of development planning .
28 The argument that these spontaneous housing settlements are a superior form of accommodation to the city slums is borne out by the consolidation that takes place in low-income settlements .
29 The lack of women at the top is borne out by the findings of the latest Arthur Andersen Corporate Register , published by Hemmington Scott .
30 This is borne out by the court 's judgment in Lopes da Veiga v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie ( Case 9/88 ) [ 1989 ] E.C.R. 2989 , from which it appears that in order for a national of a member state who is permanently employed on board a ship flying the flag of another member state to have the status of a worker/national of a member state who is employed in the territory of another member state , the relationship of employment must exhibit a sufficiently close link with that territory .
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