Example sentences of "is [vb pp] by the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The extra edge of horror is given by the 40-second ad 's realism .
2 Not only does the house contain one of the most interesting ‘ collections of collections ’ , but it is surrounded by the first pleasure garden to be run entirely organically in the National Trust .
3 What this usually means is that payment is expected by the last day of the month following the month in which the invoice is issued .
4 Perhaps the rationalisation the person devises for coping with the first loss is shattered by the second loss .
5 The explanation that is usually given as to why we do n't see broken cups gathering themselves together off the floor and jumping back onto the table is that it is forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics .
6 This is where the Rhine and Moselle join forces , and the confluence is dominated by the 10th Century Ehrenbreitstein Fortress .
7 The choice between tuck and slip is made by the third control .
8 King Mark 's palace , to which Tristan returned with the King 's prospective bride Iseult , is named by the twelfth century Norman writer Beroul as Lancien .
9 It articulates what is revealed by the sixth sense .
10 Now , whatever is written by the second child you write under it the figure which will make the sum of both up to nine .
11 In an interview last week on the French radio station France Inter 's RadioCom program , Alcatel Alsthom NV president Pierre Suard indicated he did not rule out taking a stake in France Telecom if the latter is privatised by the next administration : ‘ I do n't think the question has been posed today , but when it is , I can tell you that we will study it very seriously , ’ Suard said — ‘ It is essential that France Telecom has a structure that enables it to extend itself beyond France and I think that can come from a new shareholder ; there is industrial logic in the ‘ world 's number one manufacturer of telecommunications equipment ’ owning a stake in a telecommunications operator , ’ he added — ‘ It is the Anglo-Saxon logic ; AT&T is constructed on that basis , but up to now , it has not been European logic , ’ he said .
12 It is alleged by the fourth plea , that the defendant 's testator never requested the plaintiff to enter into the engagement to marry , or to marry , and that there never was any consideration for the testator 's promise , except what may be collected from the letter itself set out in the declaration .
13 A woman seeks the truth of her ancestry , and discovers truth can be what you want it to be ; in a hospital a neglected old man weaves fables in a lost language ; fantasy becomes reality when a young boy 's sense of wonder is awakened by the first man in space ; a man 's obsession with ‘ the dogs ’ has grim but farcical consequences ; a couple 's holiday in France is disturbed by the ghosts of war ; a chance encounter brings an unexpected delight to a birdwatcher .
14 The mention of suspension is of interest : that the cause of it — truancy — is not only a 20th century phenomenon is shown by the next paragraph of the Report : " The parent of George Highton who had been suspended on account of frequent absence attended by order of the Deputation and stated that he had 3 boys in the School and that the one complained of was so refractory as to be beyond his management and would not attend as he should , frequently persuading his Brothers to follow his example and having gone into service he wished him to be dismissed , which was done , and the parent was informed that if the other two were not more regular in their attendance they would also be discharged . "
15 The piccolo is played by the 2nd flautist ( or in large orchestras by the 3rd ) who plays flute or piccolo as required .
16 A different kind of limitation is set by the third condition and it is this which we will look at now .
17 But in this area everything is overshadowed by the second deposit by the Countess of Sutherland of her family 's estate papers .
18 One wants evidence from the processing of words , of course , if one is investigating a model of word recognition , and this is provided by the second experiment described by Marslen-Wilson ( 1978 ) .
19 One other facet of rural community change is provided by the fourth element of Pahl 's classification : the collapse of geographic and social hierarchies .
20 Further evidence for schemata is provided by the next task .
21 A simple clocked flip-flop circuit ( Maginot and Oliver , 1974 ) blocks the next two clock pulses , so the next change in excitation is caused by the fourth clock pulse .
22 For example , if a cell doubles its discharge rate under one set of conditions but quadruples under another , does that difference affect how subsequent levels in the circuit respond so that one group of cells is excited by the first set of conditions but a second group is activated by the second set ?
23 Emilie Candeille , opera singer , grande tragedienne and composeress , is represented by the first performance in 199 years of her Piano Concerto in D , Op2 .
24 Already we have moved into a darker , more specific and personal mood which is strengthened by the last chapter where the listener is brought closer to the poet to provide comfort for all the losses he has endured .
25 The number of errors which may be reported during any LIFESPAN run is determined by the second parameter of the keyword ERROR_FILENAME in the LIFESPAN configuration file .
26 Viewed in this way the battle of forms becomes a war of attrition , which is lost by the first party to make a mistake , or lose the will to fight .
27 It is not easy to cheat ; liberty is licensed by the last figure ( odd or even ) of your number plate .
28 The balance and integration of capacities and skills is achieved by the third attribute of aspirations .
29 Something which is liked by the first person you show it to is likely to appeal to many more people .
30 In the first case , the conveyance should be prepared and executed in triplicate ( or there should be examined copies ) so that the original is held by the first mortgagee , the husband has a record of the indemnity and release given and the second mortgagee also has a record of the transfer .
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