Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [coord] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The best were in the city of Budapest which is divided by the river Danube into the hilly right bank where Buda is situated and the flatter lands opposite of Pest .
2 God is banished and the spiritual dimension to life , if there is one , is simply an aspect of human personality which human beings create for themselves .
3 Ordinary shares are not particularly attractive unless the offeror is listed and the new shares will also be admitted to listing .
4 No , as long as the child is treated and the general hygiene measures outlined above are followed there is no reason to keep a child off school .
5 This pseudo-cleft structure would signal that the first part ‘ we are attempting to draw something in this book ’ is given and the second part ‘ this something is a general picture ’ is new .
6 After some ti me the job is completed and the two mortar bombs have been neutralised .
7 Thus , the enumeration tree is completed and the optimal solution of the TSP is the tour of length 20 given above .
8 So the winger has a go , gets tackled , the ball is trapped and the attacking side loses possession .
9 If there are no active nodes left , the problem is solved and the incumbent solution is optimal .
10 The problem is solved and the incumbent solution ( 4,0 , 1¼ ) is optimal .
11 That evening G. is phoned by the company and told the problem is solved and the leaking machine located .
12 In Christianity , it has become a problem for many believers that the masculinity of the doctrine is stressed and the feminine aspects marginalized .
13 The liability cover under the policies is varied and the following paragraphs provide a summary of the cover available .
14 As each label is pressed a status LED within the label comes on ; when another label is pressed the previous switch is cancelled and the new LED illuminates .
15 Well , it 's because the Poll Tax is designed and the whole load of legislation that goes along with it , to increase the burden of erm payment on local Poll Tax payers .
16 In reality , the new prison is built and the old prison remains .
17 In the position where the stator and rotor teeth are fully aligned the circuit reluctance is minimised and the magnetic flux in the stack is at its maximum value .
18 it relates to any transaction ( actual or contemplated ) involving the company with which the insider is connected and the other company , or involving one of them and the securities of the other , or to the fact that any such transaction is no longer contemplated .
19 But when all the please and thank you is unsaid and the little courtesy is undone , it does make a difference to society .
20 Alistair Kerr is always keen for donations towards the vehicle in which the model layout is housed and the continued upkeep of the actual exhibition .
21 What is the position when the first defendant is sued and the second defendant has caused similar or greater damage ?
22 Thus at Lauds at the end of Matins the verses remember how : But the daily reminder of the shocking betrayal of truth in time is counterpointed against prayers and psalms which emphasise that this very process is the means by which redemption is accomplished and the ultimate strength of love proved .
23 The news media can , by the way they report and by the significance they attach to personalities , events and the statements of individuals , colour the attitudes of the public and in turn influence the way in which the constitution is interpreted and the political system works .
24 In Fig. 5.5 , for example , a two-phases-on scheme is shown and the fundamental voltage component has an amplitude of V = 4/Vdc , where Vdc is the d.c. supply voltage .
25 Searching is performed and the retrieved documents are displayed in a ranked order , according to the satisfaction of the expressed search query as represented by the terms processed .
26 The ‘ Main ’ window is opened and the other windows are reduced to a window icon at the base of the Program Manager screen .
27 The appropriate forms of request for summons are N201 and N202 ; separate particulars of claim may be dispensed with if form N202 is used and the proper officer allows it ( Ord 6 , r 1(2) ) .
28 What has changed is that a convention has developed as to how and when this power is exercised and the modern position is thus that the monarch has , except in the most unusual circumstances and even then only doubtfully so , no discretion as to when Parliament shall be called and disbanded .
29 Thus the pattern we would expect to see if the lexical procedure is damaged but the non-lexical procedure remains intact — if these procedures really are separate — is good reading of regular words and non-words with bad reading of exception words .
30 Identity itself is damaged and the negative effects of stress in school begin to leak out and contaminate people 's confidence and competence in other , perhaps all , aspects of their lives .
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