Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [to-vb] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The requirement effect on trade which member states of jurisdiction requirement , it is jurisdictionable because it is the first task that the commissioner of the court should undertake when considering quote from wind surfing get in constant and the concept and agreement which may effect trade is intended to define in the law governing cartels the boundary between the areas , respectively covered by community law and national law , it is not necessary law for the competition effected by the alleged restriction and the trade which is effected between members of states to be the same , an example in the defendants list of authorities it 's in the principal and in that case the restriction of competition arose in relation to a product possible spirits which was itself used to manufacture other products namely cognac , it was argued that the that since there was no trade between members of state and possible spirits there could be no effect upon trade between member of states and so twenty five could not apply , the court accepted that factual premise , there is no trade between member of state and import of spirits , but rejected the legal conclusion , they concluded that is was necessary for there to be an effect upon trade in the market where the restrictions occurred , they was trading another product which was related to possible spirits , and of course stated , it must be observed in that respect that any agreement who 's object to effect is to a strict competition by fixing minimum prices for an intermediate product is capable of effecting intro community trade , even if there is no trading in that intermediate product between members of state , that the product constitutes the raw material of another project marketing elsewhere
2 — Be as precise as you can about the role the video recording is intended to have in the teaching programme .
3 Introduction to Counselling is intended to assist in the techniques of attending , focussing , listening and understanding empathy .
4 They too contain useful material on , for instance , the locations of sites , though individual site licences must be consulted for details of what each is permitted to take in the way of hazardous wastes .
5 He is expected to return in the Prix Niel .
6 Digging in and around the garage of Mr Main 's former home is expected to continue in the morning .
7 Everyone is expected to join in the chorus .
8 This afternoon , the Government is expected to announce in the Commons proposals to reform radically the funding of college student associations and unions , which are currently fully financed through individual college funds .
9 The network of Young Engineers Clubs started some five years ago now includes 27 clubs and this is expected to expand in the year ahead .
10 The tour in question is expected to begin in the summer of 1993 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington , D.C. , and then travel to Tokyo and Paris , if the Orphans Court of Montgomery County , Pennsylvania , allows the Barnes Foundation to override the indenture to benefactor Albert C. Barnes 's will that prohibits the loan of any works from the eccentric millionaire 's collection .
11 It is expected to fetch in the region of Aus$250,000 ( £100,000 ; $180,000 ) , while his ‘ Girl asleep in a steam ’ ( signed , oil and tempera on masonite , 121.9x137.2cm ) , of 1960 , is estimated to make Aus$60–80,000 ( £25–35,000 ; $45–60,000 ) .
12 The machine is expected to ship in the US from the middle of the month , with an entry price of $3,000 .
13 SmartStream for NT is expected to ship in the autumn .
14 SmartStream for NT is expected to ship in the autumn .
15 Yet the current momentum of industrial development is expected to result in the disappearance of no less than 20,000 species of plants and animals over the next decade .
16 The Pru , it seems , is destined to remain in the headlines — Mr Newmarch 's views on self-regulation hit the papers soon after the accruals announcement .
17 The strengthening of this centralist trend , which has also been evident in other aspects of state schooling , is seen to culminate in the government 's consultation paper The National Curriculum 5–16 ( DES/Welsh Office , 1987 ) whose proposals were incorporated in a largely unchanged form in Chapter 1 of the 1987 Education Reform Bill .
18 I shall here consider three such attempts to connect past and present : firstly , that which I shall call a ‘ kairos ’ approach , in which the past is basically normative but it is said that there can be development ; secondly , that which I shall call the ‘ golden thread ’ approach , in which a leading motif is lifted out of the past and applied in another situation ; thirdly , that which I shall call an ‘ a priori ethical ’ position , in which essentially authority is seen to lie in the present but there is not perceived to be any fundamental clash with the past .
19 The remedy for pretty much all of the above , and for much else besides , is seen to lie in the introduction of proportional representation for all national and local elections .
20 The leader is seen to emerge in the drawing and to carry the others with him .
21 The answer is thought to lie in the development of the domestic dog .
22 It is thought to spawn in the winter and early spring .
23 This may be to acquaynt you that their is a pore yong women in oure Towne of Asston-underlyne infected with a filthy deceassed called the French poxe and shee saith shee was defiled by one Henry Heyworth a maryed man , but soe it is the report of that dessease occasioneth neighbours to deny hir harbour and shee is enforced to lye in the streetes and in great danger to bee starved , I do humbly intreate your worshipps to take it into your consideration and to grant your Order that the pore woman may be provyded for to prevent starveing , either upon the parrish charges , or upon the Costs of the said Heyworth whom she saith hath spoiled hir , whether yiur worshipps shall think fitt
24 If the hon. Gentleman is called to speak in the debate on the Consolidated Fund Bill or the Adjournment motion , he could well raise those points then .
25 There 's a current picture which is in the system and is bound to go in the paper tomorrow .
26 Even if there is no dependence on human performance in the on-line operational mode it is bound to exist in the maintenance mode .
27 There are those who think that the ordination of women is bound to come in the course of time and wonder why it is necessary to campaign for it .
28 One can see that , fanciful though the idea of the co-operative community is bound to look in the light of the later development of the Industrial Revolution , in 1814 when he wrote A New View of Society that idea would have seemed quite credible .
29 They are instantly welcomed inside ( Fig. 39 ) , and Nell 's grandfather is invited to sit in the elbow chair while the child looks around her :
30 Physical expansion is set to continue in the remainder of the current year with 20 trading outlets , representing 100,000 sq ft on top of the existing 694,500 , due to open .
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