Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two policemen are killed during a break-in at the Presidio ( a San Francisco military base ) and a former military policeman ( Mark Harman ) is assigned to work on the case with his former commanding officer ( Sean Connery ) who he hates .
2 The Parliament Act 1911 still recites that ‘ it is intended to substitute for the House of Lords as it at present exists a Second Chamber constituted on a popular instead of hereditary basis ’ and explains the Act itself as a temporary measure pending such a substitution .
3 That is the consequence which is intended to flow from the provision that , although not the depositor , B is to be treated as entitled to the deposit .
4 Do not activate them on a package until it is intended to proceed with the work .
5 the service requested is intended to confer on the tribunal making the request jurisdiction over a person who by the law of the State of execution can not be subjected to such jurisdiction .
6 The requirement effect on trade which member states of jurisdiction requirement , it is jurisdictionable because it is the first task that the commissioner of the court should undertake when considering quote from wind surfing get in constant and the concept and agreement which may effect trade is intended to define in the law governing cartels the boundary between the areas , respectively covered by community law and national law , it is not necessary law for the competition effected by the alleged restriction and the trade which is effected between members of states to be the same , an example in the defendants list of authorities it 's in the principal and in that case the restriction of competition arose in relation to a product possible spirits which was itself used to manufacture other products namely cognac , it was argued that the that since there was no trade between members of state and possible spirits there could be no effect upon trade between member of states and so twenty five could not apply , the court accepted that factual premise , there is no trade between member of state and import of spirits , but rejected the legal conclusion , they concluded that is was necessary for there to be an effect upon trade in the market where the restrictions occurred , they was trading another product which was related to possible spirits , and of course stated , it must be observed in that respect that any agreement who 's object to effect is to a strict competition by fixing minimum prices for an intermediate product is capable of effecting intro community trade , even if there is no trading in that intermediate product between members of state , that the product constitutes the raw material of another project marketing elsewhere
7 They will keep this addition , which is intended to compensate for the VAT they can not reclaim .
8 The solicitor is entitled to retain documents prepared by himself for his own benefit and for which no charge is made to the client and documents sent by the client to the solicitor the property in which is intended to pass to the solicitor ( eg letters from the client to the solicitor ) .
9 In addition , it is intended to focus on the significance of his speech repertoire to the individual user , and of the significance to the particular community of the language that expresses and reflects its identity .
10 — Be as precise as you can about the role the video recording is intended to have in the teaching programme .
11 In a fairly well ordered society , such as ours , one is justified to act on the assumption that , on the whole , our official organs , be they the police or any other governmental body , do their job properly .
12 It is therefore advisable to delete clause 9.1.6 , or if that fails , at least ensure that it is amended to refer to the distress or execution being levied at the premises ( 5 ) Consider adding the following two provisos : PROVIDED HOWEVER that in the event that this Lease is mortgaged at the time of the proposed re-entry and the Landlord has been given notice of the existence of the mortgage then prior to such re-entry or proceedings therefor the Landlord will serve a notice of such proceedings and proposed re-entry on the mortgagee at the mortgagee 's last known address AND PROVIDED FURTHER that if the Tenant ( being an individual ) becomes bankrupt or ( being a company ) enters into liquidation ( whether compulsory or voluntary save for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction of a solvent company ) or has a receiver appointed the Landlord shall not exercise the right of re-entry by virtue of such bankruptcy liquidation or receivership unless neither the Tenant nor its mortgagee shall pay the rent hereinbefore reserved on the days and in the manner provided or there shall be any breach or non-performance or non-observance of any of the other covenants or agreements on the part of the Tenant herein contained
13 The result is that the relay RLA is heard to click at the end of the timing period , but the timer re-starts as it is caused to re-commence timing for a further period .
14 The motion of this portion of the sewing machine is dictated by the constant angular velocity , which is considered to occur at the drive shaft A. In the kinematics program this motion is represented by the construction of a graph for the rotation of this component ( AZ-rotation ) .
15 It has long been the case that where a company is would up by the court , the liquidation is deemed to commence at the date of presentation of the petition .
16 If a window has been defined , the cursor is constrained to remain within the window .
17 If a window has been defined , the cursor is constrained to remain within the window .
18 If a window has been defined , the cursor is constrained to remain within the window .
19 If a window has been defined , the cursor is constrained to remain within the window .
20 If a widow has been defined , the cursor is constrained to remain within the window .
21 As Lord Denning said in Fraser v Evans : No person is permitted to divulge to the world information which he has received in confidence , unless he has just cause or excuse for doing so .
22 They too contain useful material on , for instance , the locations of sites , though individual site licences must be consulted for details of what each is permitted to take in the way of hazardous wastes .
23 But workers rejected that offer and the matter has now been referred to the national executive of the Amalgamated Engineering Union , which is expected to rule on the dispute in the next few days .
24 Investment in plant and equipment is expected to slow towards the end of the year .
25 The inquiry , which opens this Tuesday , will be held at the Frome Rugby Football Club , Gypsy Lane , Frome , Somerset , and is expected to last until the beginning of May .
26 The trial is expected to last until the end of the week .
27 The main axe is expected to fall on the firm 's back office operations and among administrative staff in an effort to contain expenses .
28 Milder weather is expected to return over the weekend .
29 He is expected to return in the Prix Niel .
30 This interpretation is expected to elicit from the reader the response : " That 's easy .
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