Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [adv] [conj] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , it is unsaleable at this price of £4914.91 but can be made saleable if the price is adjusted so that a return at the new , higher , current rate of return can be earned .
2 Mrs Hunt has said she can not understand why there was such a delay when an ambulance station is situated less than a mile from her home .
3 This gives the context-specification of the Book-title context with its font ( F= ) and colour ( RGB= ) ; it is represented as a troff comment so that the line is stripped out when a spelling check of the document is made .
4 But the benefit is realised only if a spending tax replaces other existing taxes and the tax burden as a whole is either unchanged or reduced .
5 An explanation of the available function keys and how these are used is given below and a summary is given in Appendix A.
6 When it is pointed out that a number of Labour programmes have been markedly radical , as in 1945 and 1983 , then it is claimed that the leaders have failed to be behind them and give them their solid backing and support .
7 It was also impressed by the argument of the Policy Advisory Committee that there should be a clear legislative statement that rape is committed even where a woman does not sustain injury but submits through fear .
8 An inspection of the premises is carried out and a certificate is only issued where the local fire authority are satisfied that adequate precautions have been taken .
9 Now , what are you doing to ensure that erm that this is carried out because a lot of elderly , they will not go to the doctor , but erm the doctor I believe has got to go and see them .
10 Unfortunately , each make of microcomputer is designed differently and a program written for the BBC-B will not work on an IBM PC or an Apple 2e .
11 A loud juddering sound occurring when a tap is turned off or a ball-valve shuts is known as water hammer .
12 A short story in prose or verse which is written so that a moral may be learnt from it .
13 Since one of the requirements for a score is that the contestant retains an effective defensive posture , the potential score is wiped out and a penalty imposed in its place .
14 When we try the Star and Garter next door it is crammed tighter than a coal bucket , and it belts rap at a thousand watts .
15 But then it is used extensively where a preposition seems to be naturally required , but where to is really inadequate , as in the infinitive of reaction : glad to meet you ( cf Fr. charmé de vous voir ) .
16 Not surprisingly , left-inclined social scientists go on to take the view that good sense can only be made of British politics if the pluralist ideology is set aside and a start to understanding is made elsewhere than in the world of interest-group activity .
17 There is hardly any modern authority which suggests , as did the judges in Clarence , that either a wife can unilaterally in certain circumstances withdraw her consent , or else that the ambit of consent is restricted so that a wife is not deemed to consent to her husband where his conduct is egregious .
18 2.45AM The point is brought home when a band of looters turn their anger on me .
19 Everything in Italian politics is subject to change as the old order is swept away and a variety of designs for the future are proposed .
20 Ian Cocking just about manages to persuade the council that the ramp is worth keeping so the ramp is fixed up but a botch job on one piece of coping makes any trick other then just plain rock 'n' rolls virtually impossible .
21 The rest of this manual is structured so that a section is devoted to each of these main options in turn , providing examples of all the currently available LIFESPAN facilities .
22 Feynman , 1967 , p. 147 ; Anscombe , 1971 ; Sorabji , 1980 , Ch. 2 ; Mellor , 1986 ) A coin is put in and a chocolate bar comes out .
23 While it may be straightforward to assess whether a lease is renewed properly or a contract accurately drafted — it will soon be clear if they have been or not — these transactions do n't carry much potential for building long-term relationships or adding value through additional services .
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