Example sentences of "is [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hence it is vain to go to historical consciousness for the truest meaning .
2 An earlier decision by the same judge preventing the four from organising or inciting mass pickets at the factory is due to go before three appeal judges next week .
3 An earlier decision by the same judge preventing the four from organising or inciting mass pickets at the factory is due to go before three appeal judges next week .
4 The £27m development is due to open in late summer with C&A the main anchor store .
5 Although the project is due to run for another year , the county council 's planning department hope information will be made available this summer .
6 Choosing the input and output currents of the four-terminal network as independent variables , its behaviour can be represented by and so sufficiently small signals , , and in the network are related by Since the derivatives appearing in equations ( 10.5 ) have the dimensions of impedance , it is normal to put for easy reference .
7 Also between Hindscarth and Ronsingon , it is possible to descend from any point along this ridge to the Buttermere valley .
8 Reagan absorbed many other valuable lessons from his experience as governor of California and it is possible to see in this period the evolution of a style of executive leadership that he was to take with him to the White House .
9 It is possible to argue against this view : in Chapters 10 and 11 , word stress was presented as something quite independent of intonation , and subsequently ( p. 157 ) it was said that ‘ intonation is carried entirely by the stressed syllables of a tone-unit ’ .
10 And it is possible to predict with fair accuracy the behaviour of the site ( volcanoes and earthquakes permitting ) over billions of years .
11 With the benefit of fifteen years ’ experience and from the security of a university in Britain , it is possible to pronounce with considerable confidence upon what should have happened ; to comment owlishly on how untidy and illogical were the processes employed , how more information should have been spelt out with more precision , how more evaluation should have been undertaken sooner , how unreal were our expectations in terms of how quickly and how evenly changes can effectively take place .
12 Incredibly versatile , it is possible to switch from delicate line drawing to washes , to gouache style work , to loose free work on a large variety of surfaces , with ease .
13 So , although it is possible to conceive of any event as an incarnation of the totality , insofar as it must itself make up a part of that totality in its determination , unlike the case of the boxing match , where we can define the overall entity ‘ boxing ’ , it still remains unproven that an overall entity , ‘ History ’ , can be said to exist at all .
14 Any competent bush mouse , not to mention man or elephant , can step aside and contemplate the whole grass-roots frenzy at leisure , an object less of menace than of strangeness and wonder , the culmination of an evolutionary story as different from that of mammals as it is possible to conceive in this world .
15 Alternatively , it is possible to mitigate against any loss by arranging insurance cover .
16 That is as genuine an example of a knee-jerk reaction as it is possible to get in this place .
17 The two types of mirror look much the same after being buried for centuries , but when the microstructure is examined at high magnification , as in Figures 5.15e and f , it is possible to distinguish between tinned bronze and the high-tin alloy .
18 It is possible to compensate to some extent for the lower sensitivity by reducing R2 to 470Ω in value .
19 It is possible to play from this mode through the PC speaker — a useful facility .
20 Further , Hayek argues that constructivist rationalists are guilty of ‘ the synoptic delusion ’ ; that is , the belief that all relevant social facts are capable of being known to some one mind , and that it is possible to construct from this knowledge of the particulars a desirable social order .
21 From the significant number of representations of bull-leaping on frescoes and sealstones , it is possible to reconstruct with some confidence the events that took place in the Bull Courts .
22 By combining information on ships and shipowners found in the Liverpool Plantation Registers with material on the voyages of the same ships to Africa and the Americas gleaned from other trade and shipping records , it is possible to reconstruct in considerable depth a major port 's involvement in the Atlantic trades at this time , and to begin to assess their impact on economic change in its hinterland .
23 Under Queen Anne parties of a modern kind did not exist ; but it is possible to speak without gross inaccuracy of Parliament and the politically active part of the nation as being divided for the most part into Whigs and Tories .
24 Although , as we have seen , it is possible to step outside this framework , and find an alternative that seems to fit the life style of the person who has died better than a traditional church funeral , in practice it is extremely difficult to do this .
25 Harwell says it 's satisfied it provides as much data as possible , but the plant is willing to listen to any council proposals .
26 If one is prepared to act on this view of the need for more extensive training and greater access to deaf people , there are still other series of factors concerning language learning to be accounted for .
27 Casualty figures are low , indicating that neither side is prepared to engage in heavy fighting .
28 The fourth point is : ’ Why should a Health Authority turn down an unproven treatment when it holds contracts with Homeopathic Hospitals and is prepared to pay for such treatment to be carried out ? ’
29 It is foolish to departmentalise in this way , and so I want to blur the distinctions .
30 It is clear to see at most training clubs that praise is in very short supply with novice and even more experienced handlers .
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