Example sentences of "is [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Oh which is the one that is pregnant with the terrible time ?
2 The fourth attribute demanded by George Corner , that of understanding , is possible for the first time in the history of civilization ; but it is a possibility which so far is available to only a small minority of specialists .
3 It is as comprehensive as is possible at the present time .
4 Thus the pressure , both inner and outer , on teachers to have a clear , articulate rationale for what they are doing is high at the same time as the exploration of the values from which such a rationale must derive is conspicuously out of style .
5 Like the quatrain poems it is funny at the same time as serious .
6 There need be no implication that success is identified with indefinite continuation : costs , human and material , can be limited to what is acceptable within an agreed time span .
7 Consequently its Laplace transform is or The unit impulse function is infinite for an infinitesimal time as indicated in figure 11.5(d) and its integral over all time is unity .
8 It can , none the less , cut out many of the worst frustrations : material that takes hours to trace , is never found , or is unavailable at the right time ; teacher-made material that takes too long , is botched in process or inexpertly designed ; equipment that does n't work , or works badly , or is preempted by someone else at the crucial moment ; timetables that do n't , when it comes to the point , allow sufficient flexibility ; help that one feels ought to be available but somehow never is .
9 Consistency is explicit in the same time scale of two weeks .
10 These items may be small or large , and they are produced under conditions of what is appropriate at a given time , rather than conditions which are standardised .
11 ‘ The committee endorses this action by the licensing authority ’ , Goldberg 's letter goes on , ‘ and considers that , in the light of the apparent safety hazard , suspension of the licence is appropriate at the present time ’ .
12 She is married for the second time to a man 15 years her junior .
13 ( 5.35 ) : High-voltage supply , The bilevel drive has the merit of simplicity , because the only control circuitry required is concerned with the switching time of transistor T2 at the beginning of each excitation interval .
14 Sheffield Wednesday 's chief goalscorer made it nine from 13 games in the defeat of QPR but later revealed he is happy for the first time this season .
15 ( i ) to secure that the right land is available at the right time for the implementation of national , regional and local plans :
16 In these 239 murals , covering a surface of 1,585 square metres , there are traces of many influences making up a popular and forceful imagery : ‘ The codices , pre-conquest sculpture , popular art , the study of living people , the colour of nature as well as the paintings of the misnamed Italian Primitives , together with the modern artistic tendencies to which Rivera himself had contributed during his stay in France , all went to form his own peculiar style , which is apparent for the first time in these frescoes . ’
17 This is far from the first time that the Fnac has made a widely publicised intervention claiming that discounting favours the interests of the consumer .
18 However the time taken to re-charge the capacitor is proportional to the charging time constant , so if a high resistance is used the capacitor may not be completely charged when its stored energy is next required .
19 When the camcorder battery warning light comes on , recharge the battery to ensure that it is ready for the next time it is needed .
20 LTP is associative in the sense that a ‘ weak ’ input can be potentiated if it is active at the same time as a strong tetanus to a separate but convergent input .
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