Example sentences of "is [adj] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think it is absurd to remove that beautiful countryside when we are at our wits end over what to do with deep-mined coal . ’
2 At first sight it is absurd to propose that Islamic socialization of the economy required the nihil obstat of everyone 's mother-in-law .
3 As against this , it is possible to argue that corporate power , as exercised by management , is still ultimately rooted in , and hence legitimated by , property rights , on the ground that the structure that gives rise to it is created with the consent of the shareholders .
4 Yes I mean if it is possible to provide that huge acreage I mean the space per player or whatever is rather less for croquet than for cricket , is n't it ?
5 Given the resources available to men ( 99 percent of the world 's resources ) and the few available to women , and given the institution of male power in every dimension of the education system — grounded deep in the structures , the language and the social context of every exchange — it is unrealistic to imagine that individual women , men of good will , or students , however energetic , resourceful and determined , can change things single handed .
6 Because of the scale of the need , the limitations of staff and resources and the pressure of other work it is unrealistic to expect that local authorities could provide a comprehensive training programme immediately .
7 If you have relied on the services of external designers to produce artwork it is foolish to imagine that internal staff with no training can achieve similar results .
8 Furthermore , it is wrong to consider that new concepts such as open systems , client-server or object technology will necessarily ‘ provide the flexibility , integration and freedom that modern businesses demand …
9 It is interesting to observe that private capital was more significant both in absolute terms and in relative importance at these provincial levels than in the great urban centres in 1922 .
10 Here it is interesting to note that intrajejunal beer stimulated acid release without causing gastrin release .
11 It is interesting to note that certain problems which have been solved by technological improvements reappear as the technology continues to evolve .
12 It is interesting to note that detailed cross-tabulations of the main survey data ( not included in Appendix 1 ) showed that in general people who consider credit to be ‘ occasionally necessary ’ ( rather than either convenient or sensible , or never a good thing ) were more likely to say that any of the types would be difficult to arrange .
13 Although these data must be interpreted with caution given the non-randomised nature of the studies , and the heterogeneous group of diseases among the two patient groups , it is intriguing to speculate that non-specific immunosuppression might occur as a result of the increased concentration of soluble HLA molecules in Gamimune N relative to Gammagard .
14 Second , given that the Earth 's major greenhouse gas , water vapour , varies greatly with latitude and altitude , it is impossible to calculate that net greenhouse effect without knowing where heat is deposited by the dynamic heat transports .
15 It is instructive to note that relative newcomers to the dinosaur scene , the mosasaurs ( the violent giant aquatic lizards referred to in Chapter 3 , who appeared in the last 25 million years of the Cretaceous ) , showed evidence of mammalian-like illnesses .
16 It is appropriate to recall that Elementary Matrices ( 1938 ) was printed nine times in U.K. , several times in U.S.A. , was translated into Russian and Czech , and finally republished in hardback in U.S.A. in 1983 .
17 If a Chancellor has decided that certain conduct in one case is against conscience , he is likely to decide that similar conduct is against conscience in another : the chances are that another Chancellor will decide the same .
18 Its religious music is likely to fit that particular station 's music policy in aiming at its target age-range .
19 It is gratifying to know that hardworking saint , Patrick , brought his own brewer , a priest called Mescan , on his journeys with him around 5th century Ireland .
20 Thus it is reasonable to presume that asthmatic patients , particularly those treated with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors , may face exacerbation of broncho-obstructive symptoms on taking alcohol and its conversion to acetaldehyde .
21 It is reasonable to expect that public attitudes and beliefs about attempted suicide will affect its incidence .
22 It is important to stress that Biraderi relationships amongst Pakistani immigrants are not restricted to Britain but serve to connect Britain with Pakistan .
23 It is important to realise that serious books of this kind , which form the backbone of the libraries and were first laid down by the Victorians , are most often those which are not taken out or ‘ issued ’ at all .
24 It is important to remember that automatic directions under RSC Ord 25 , r8 and CCR Ord 17 , r11 provide for only two medical experts .
25 Is he further aware that , in the wake of the Nelson trial , it is important to ensure that absolute primacy of the RUC in delivering law and order to the people of Northern Ireland ?
26 It is important to note that sexual violence , including rape , has a wider range of forms than is typically reported upon in the press or recognised as a crime .
27 Yet , it is important to note that theoretical interpretation , even if unacknowledged , was involved .
28 The effective removal of heat from a developed fire is essential to limit that lateral spread of super-heated air and smoke , to localise the effects of high temperature so that expansion and collapse effects are localised and to maintain relatively smoke free conditions at high level .
29 ‘ The point is that the people inside the organisation are clearly the best at knowing what it does and it is vital to harness that inside knowledge through a multidisciplinary team . ’
30 Peer judgement by the group of colleagues concerning substantial criminal experience is difficult given that criminal advocacy is only one part of their daily practice .
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