Example sentences of "is [adj] [verb] [prep] such [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is usual to provide for such circumstances by permitting expulsion where a partner , through ill health etc , is prevented from performing his obligations to the firm .
2 As a result , it is possible to see in such groups the collective responses normally associated with shopfloor workers .
3 Even now , cycling idly along the lanes in the lee of the downs , it is possible to speculate about such things in a whimsical sort of way ; a rare tranquility which pervades everything brings about that state of mind .
4 Issues inevitably arise too over the representativeness of the relatively small samples which it is possible to involve in such studies .
5 He is right to warn of such dangers , but they are more likely where leading indicators are set in some general , non-rigorous way without carefully developing a model of what is needed , and by when , to improve or maintain each SBU 's competitive strengths .
6 Autumn colour is easy to achieve with such shrubs as Rhus hirta ( often listed as R. typhina ) .
7 Pending discovery and/or the administration of interrogatories the best particulars the plaintiff is able to give of such transactions is that the third to fifth defendants were knowingly concerned in each and every transaction of which the following payments and each of them represent the proceeds of such transactions namely : …
8 However , since we are not interested here ( what are we a constipated race ? ) in plot but only travel , it is useless to worry about such problems ’ ( Federman 1976b ) .
9 To find the underlying rate of inflation , it is necessary to look past such distortions .
10 The questions that appear not to have been officially asked are to what extent will the projected gains accrue to areas already experiencing relative prosperity ; to what extent will these gains involve reductions in prosperity in underdeveloped/unfavoured regions and whether a transfer of some 4 per cent of the " net " gains is sufficient to compensate for such losses .
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