Example sentences of "is [adv] a [noun sg] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It will take time and we need to introduce some practical initiatives to help what is fundamentally a change in attitude , to take place .
2 A licence coupled with an interest , e.g. a profit , is irrevocable , as although the licence itself is only a right in personam , it confers a right in rem to do something once an entry has been made .
3 The history of ‘ communications ’ as a field of study is perhaps a case in point .
4 International Relations at the start of the 1990s is thus a subject in dispute .
5 These binocular cells can be made to fire by impulses arriving by way of fibres from either eye but there is normally a bias in favour of one eye or the other , the so-called ocular dominance of the cell .
6 Otherwise the , the little bulb is just a screw in affair .
7 So he is already a celebrity in island cricket .
8 Despite all the barriers and disadvantages encountered in the movement to a market economy , there is already an infrastructure in place for the future development of a music industry .
9 The meaning persists in the contemporary world , but the castle , these days , is usually a semi in suburbia with mum , dad and two children .
10 This is only as one might expect -at all times and in all places — for it is always a problem in art history or archaeology to know to what degree certain persons can be held responsible for the appearance of particular aspects of design ( especially where one is dealing with aspects of arrangement , structure , and figural types ) .
11 ‘ Be aware ’ does of course recommend a sensibility open rather than closed to new impressions , but even the most greedy for new experience can not embrace joy and suffering with equal fervour , there is always a bias in favour of the enjoyable .
12 Death is always a failure in hospital , and the business and routine of life in the medical and surgical wards do not lend themselves to a personal death ( Sudnow 1967 ) .
13 Finally , in tune with the government 's general philosophy , ‘ there is always a presumption in favour of allowing applications for development , having regard to all material considerations , unless that development would cause demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance ’ .
14 There is always a moment in time when we can make a decision whether or not to vent our anger .
15 These problems arise from the intrinsic contradiction in objectification by which the very form necessary for the subject 's development is always an exercise in self-alienation and is therefore a potential source of estrangement .
16 That grand-sounding ‘ new world order ’ is still a phrase in search of a meaning .
17 Indeed , his success demonstrates that there is still a role in astronomy today for the modestly-equipped amateur , a role that professional astronomers recognise and encourage .
18 But he believes there is still a point in world leaders going to Rio for the summit .
19 There is hardly a factory in existence which does not have a jobbing department somewhere or other .
20 who 's probably the orthodox first at position a yard or two behind Jack Russell and Gooch is probably a yard in front of Jack Russell at second slip and Lewis a foot or two up on him at third .
21 There is also a problem in principle with the inferences that can be made from such evidence , especially the assumption that the nature of a regime can be deduced from the unconscious motives or conscious intentions of the people who run it .
22 Some , like this , are provincial , but there is a beautiful head from Athens ( where there is also a parallel in vase-painting , below p. 79 ) , and one can not really apply the word to the masterpiece in this manner , the ‘ Ludovisi Throne ’ ( fig. 83 ) , though one can fairly say that it is outside the main stream .
23 But there is also a change in sentiment .
24 In many palms , there is also a rise in temperature at the beginning of anthesis , associated with beetle pollination : in Astrocaryum mexicanum at Los Tuxtlas , there is a wide range of pollinating species , besides many other herbivorous visitors and this suite is shared with other palms in the same and different genera represented there .
25 There is also a reduction in choice .
26 There is also a waterwheel in working order , and a stationary steam engine , as well as examples of local public transport which include the only remaining Bradford tram .
27 If DeFreitas is out and Lamb remains unable to throw the ball properly , England 's outfield would have a Madame Tussaud 's look about it , which is also a point in favour of David Capel above Derek Pringle .
28 The circumstantial nature of the account of Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's teaching method and Molla Fenari 's place in it is also a point in favour of the Taskopruzade/Mecdi tradition .
29 Eugene Roscoe is also an expert in junk mail .
30 Lord Loreburn L.C. might well question whether there is really a difference in degree .
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