Example sentences of "is [adv] [Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Jacob 's demand for a blessing is only what we would expect , and yet it prepares us for the turning point in the story , which follows immediately afterwards , and takes us back into the clearer air of the larger narrative .
2 That is only what we would have expected them to do .
3 The wholly negative tone of the passage is only what we might expect from the rest of the chapter .
4 Well that 's since denied by the defendant and that is a factual , major factual dispute which is obviously what you 'll have to decide .
5 But this is exactly what we might have expected : with the emergence of the black British identity has come a matching linguistic persona , neither London nor Jamaican , but " London Jamaican " .
6 This is exactly what we would expect from the neutral theory .
7 How far down the social scale the possession of seals extended is not known , but the carrying of personal identification tags is exactly what we would expect of such a minutely organized society .
8 Of course , an absurd price is exactly what we would have expected Ephron to suggest in the circumstances .
9 It is much better to have one review and to have it at the beginning of the Parliament , and that is exactly what we shall do .
10 And , as long as we bow and scrape to the descendants of an obscure family of German princelings , that is exactly what we will remain .
11 That the quality of the reactions of a period of life in which the superego did not as yet exist should be the pattern upon which is modelled the manic state ( the basis of which is temporary withdrawal of the superego ) is exactly what we should expect .
12 The association of paranoid delusions of persecution by witches with solar fire-cults is therefore not in the least surprising ; in fact , it is exactly what we should have expected .
13 ‘ That is exactly what I shall do . ’
14 His widow , Margaret , said : ‘ Alfred told me that I should carry on with the case if he died , and that is exactly what I will do . ’
15 A bush tree is exactly what you would expect it to be ( bushy ) , but at the right height for picking and pruning comfortably .
16 And yet this is just what we must do .
17 This is just what we should expect if they are playing Tit for Tat .
18 And , to make it all seem almost too good to be true the total number of possible W particles seen by both UA1 and UA2 is just what one would expect from the total number of proton-antiproton collisions that the two experiments have observed .
19 He says that before he died Mr Summerfield had said he 'd like his money to be used for a charitable trust — the gallery is just what he would have wanted .
20 That is just what he 'll get — with every wild car racer desperate to humiliate the Limey champ .
21 A gradual shift towards a broadly social democratic position is just what you would expect to accompany a move towards a mass system .
22 In some counts , a signal of distress but is attempting to solicit something but is usually what we would classify in our abstract concept of parental investment .
23 The defendant on being told this alibi must immediately amplify it under questioning , and can be ‘ gonged ’ for undue hesitation in answering or for any vagueness in answering ( he must not say ‘ I think so ’ or ‘ That is probably what I would have done ’ ) .
24 In fact he was identifying himself with his Girondin friends who were guillotined by the Jacobins in October and November 1793 ; although the story that Wordsworth visited France at this time to take help to the Girondins may be untrue , this is clearly what he would have wished to do if an opportunity had arisen .
25 But Cantona is also what I 'd call a Manchester United player .
26 The statistics might be more easily presented , instead of small numbers being presented for the reader should he care , which is roughly what we would do .
27 An ‘ odour ’ is simply what we can smell just as sound is what we can hear and touch is what we can feel .
28 Certainly when Jacob appears to have his assailant in his power , it is precisely what we would expect .
29 This is precisely what one would expect if the above evolutionary account were true .
30 That is precisely what you will do on the F-Plan .
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