Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [verb] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The dangers of leaving this solely to the market and enthusiast interests are obvious and potentially serious , to the extent that availability is most likely to guide research effort and energy .
2 It is rarely necessary to obtain government consent before selling a business to a non-UK purchaser .
3 The time is long overdue to free part time training from such draconian requirements .
4 Lastly , as part of general health care , it is extremely important to discourage cigarette smoking .
5 Possible explanations for a difference between older and younger women are that the operation has a delayed effect , that the operative technique has changed over the years so that it is less likely to affect bowel function , or that gynaecologists are doing fewer operations on women with pelvic pain of intestinal origin .
6 A microlight engine is less likely to suffer cylinder damage through thermal shock than the engine of a conventional aircraft which is allowed to tick over and cool down too quickly on the descent , but extremes are best avoided .
7 The method is least satisfactory in health resorts , coastal ports , London etc. , and it is obviously necessary to avoid peak holiday times and advisable to choose a weekend .
8 Careful design is thus necessary to restrict laser action to a single mode .
9 Myrdal found that Southern whites , defending discrimination , picked their words with care , showing an indirectness in the way they talked about blacks : ‘ When talking about the Negro problem , everybody — not only the intellectual liberals — is thus anxious to locate race prejudice outside himself ’ ( 1944 : 37 ) .
10 A low serum ferritin or low serum iron with raised total iron binding capacity is usually sufficient to confirm iron deficiency .
11 As well as pointing out biases and gaps in the way these ideas have been applied , I will be trying to demonstrate the more general point that it is always problematic to treat language use as a direct reflection of social identity .
12 What we ought to be aiming for is more localised revolved estate management .
13 Since it is more expensive to install pollution control devices in existing installations than in new ones , this strategy often leads in practice to the specification of different requirements for new and existing units .
14 On tree-lined courses , it is more difficult to judge wind strength and direction .
15 In general , it is more difficult to trace adoption breakdown than foster home breakdown , as the families concerned will not necessarily return to the agencies involved in the original placement .
16 It is more common to find bit significance in sub.operation fields .
17 It has been known for many years that damage to the left hemisphere is more likely to affect language ability than damage to the right , suggesting that the left hemisphere is very important for language .
18 The high sensitivities obtained in some centres would suggest that it is technically feasible to obtain tissue confirmation by cytology in all patients with hilar strictures .
19 Presumably it is also possible to acquire locus standi to bring a claim by means of an assignment , subject to the usual limitations on the assignment of bare causes of action .
20 It is also difficult to obtain insurance cover in substantial amounts to cover this type of liability .
21 Although the usual coefficient of determination or scaled deviance can be used to indicate the global fit of any specified model , it is also important to examine model performance when estimating populations over areal units other than the wards from which the models were derived .
22 Although most research in settlement geography has been directed at settlement systems , or the distribution of villages , it is also important to consider village development or planning at the micro-scale of design or general layout .
23 In some cases it is also hard to measure scheme cost , eg where aid takes the form of tax concessions .
24 It is as natural to find conflict present in the work environment as it is in the family , marriage , or any other human context .
25 Plants now known only in cultivation but whose ancestry is fairly clear include sugar cane and rice and bananas , which are sterile triploids , many of those involving hybridity between a rain-forest species , Musa acuminata and M. halbisiana of drier forests .
26 Although the Yerkes-Dodson law provides an additional prediction which can be tested , it suffers firstly from the problem that it is often impossible to define task difficulty a priori and secondly that even when this is done successfully it is very hard to be sure that task difficulty does not itself affect arousal .
27 In extensional flow , however , provided the strain rate exceeds the relaxation rate , that is , the rate at which a chain attempts to re-coil itself in order to increase its entropy , full extension of a chain can occur and it is even possible to cause chain scission , as evidenced by molecular weight studies made on solutions which have been subjected to high extensional flows .
28 It is too simple just to link the protection of the environment and the protection of animals , as it is equally simple to impose blanket condemnation on modern intensive agriculture , especially on the factory-farming of animals .
29 While many of these ideas have lost some of their tenacity , the length of life of the housing stock and the sluggishness of change in urban structure means that it is particularly difficult to change house design to conform to changes in the position of women in society in general and the family in particular .
30 It is then possible to pump pond water into each , agitating with a smooth stick such as a length of broom handle , leaving the drain valve open until the water runs clear .
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