Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [verb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly this is most difficult to achieve when people 's objectives are in conflict , but even then , with skill , a win-win can be secured .
2 Personal and social development is most likely to occur when students take responsibility for their own learning and seek consciously to develop PSD competences through practice and reflection on their own experience .
3 Suppose , then , that the wage rate is flexible and that the economy is sufficiently competitive to ensure that labour market equilibrium is achieved .
4 It is only possible to assert that work begun with a lifting of the heart is likely to go on for longer than work begun with a contracting of the stomach , that work done with a lifting of the heart will develop further than work done with a contracting of the stomach , but there is nothing to indicate that the small amount of work which is the result of a contracting of the stomach will not be better than the large amount of work done with a lifting of the heart , than the rich development which is the likely result of work undertaken with a lifting of the heart , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , poring over the pages covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve , glanced up at the sheet in his typewriter , always bearing in mind , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) , that better and worse are relative terms , and that one man 's better is another man 's worse , one age 's better is another age 's worse , one civilization 's better is another civilization 's worse , better , worse , relative values , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , that in the long run it all comes to the same thing , long run , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , same thing .
5 It is perhaps surprising to find that Jacques married for the first time on 31 March 1728 at the age of 55 .
6 It is perhaps appropriate to remember that childbirth is not some minority interest .
7 It is perhaps interesting to note that Baines in his History of Lancashire tells us that there are no mines at work in this Parish , nor any minerals found , except some fine specimens of copper ore which are picked up occasionally near the brooks in Rusland !
8 Feminist psychologists ' concentration on interviews or autobiographical writings of , for instance , lesbian women , or even the insertion of extracts from such work into quantitative studies , arrogates an interpretative power to these methodological forms which is less easy to define and challenge than the power of objective method .
9 Although it costs more to buy , fluorescent lighting is much cheaper to use than light bulbs ; it uses less electricity , and the tubes last much longer .
10 This is much easier to follow than text which is long-winded and frequently ambiguous or file designs or programming flowcharts which are understandable only to the computer professional .
11 It will be observed that , whereas OB and P2 instabilities have comparable thresholds in low-finesse cavities ( small B ) , in high-finesse cavities ( B 1 ) optical bistability is much easier to achieve than Ikeda instability .
12 That 's another reason that Johnson is much harder to understand than Shakespeare .
13 Nowadays the problem is quite the reverse : medical science is generally able to determine whether D's conduct caused the death , and innovations such as life-support machines mean that life can be prolonged for months and years in some instances .
14 Although some remarkably conservation-conscious agents exist , it is generally true to say that land-agents have played , and continue to play , a significant role in hastening the destruction of the English landscape by intensive agriculture .
15 Woman-centred psychology , too , is generally happy to assume that men 's ‘ cultural and biological experiences are mostly different from those of women ’ ( Aitkenhead 1987 : 299 ) , and to adopt conventional ideas of what these different experiences entail .
16 The unusual nature of these counter-examples indicates that they are indeed the exceptions which prove the rule , and it is normally reasonable to assume that coins made from the same die were produced at the same time and place .
17 They go on to say that large firms ‘ are constrained in some way [ in making these decisions ] by the requirement to make profits and serve consumers ’ , but it is nevertheless appropriate to stress that companies will usually have options about how to manage the impact of changed market conditions or technology : the company is not merely a passive instrument of the market .
18 Of course , it is always possible to say that people are suffering from false consciousness ( women , for example , are continually suffering from the illusion that they are not being exploited in the home ) but that is surely too patronising a view to be taken at all seriously .
19 ‘ It is always safer to assume that people are more subtle and less sensitive than they seem . ’
20 It is always salutary to question whether edicts are obeyed , and it is true that many of Charlemagne 's do not emphasize sanctions but assume a sense of shared moral responsibility throughout society .
21 A decision is always easier to defend than vacillation , so — provided he is spared a second — the Chancellor can at least be glad that the base rate hike happened last week .
22 Maybe so , though it is still nice to see that principles still count for something , particularly when it comes to refusing to buy something you already own or turning that hand-out of shares over to a deserving charity at the expense of an easy-come , easy-go profit .
23 And these things are relative — Paradox for Windows is still easier to use than dBase for DOS . ’
24 For these two reasons it is hardly any wonder that Tolkien balked , and that the Unfinished Tales in particular show a mind searching in different directions .
25 It has more frequently been suggested that dilute sources will promote visits to many nowers and thus out-crossing , though it is difficult to see how such a mechanism could arise , and perhaps it is more satisfactory to surmise that visits by a pollen-dusted vector to several flowers on one plant are promoted , leading to cross fertilization of more .
26 Second , the community charge is more costly to collect than rates ( Blair 1988b ; Travers 1989b:22 — 4 ) .
27 If the domain of a criterion statement is broad the representativeness of assessment tasks is more difficult to arrange and criterion performance may thereby be ambivalent .
28 The influence of wages is more difficult to assess because cause and effect are entangled with one another .
29 It is not precisely clear why there should be this relationship , but fruit , in general , is more difficult to find than leaves , and requires an animal to range further afield to acquire it .
30 This attitude of conflict by line towards staff management is more likely to occur where staff departments use tactics of their own to obtain more influence over line department operations .
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