Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] up in [art] " in BNC.

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1 And it just goes on keeps going on another night another nightmare and then back to the interview room again and the tape machine again and more questions about Stromefirry-nofirry and Jersey and flights and that 's when they tell me about the other one that 's when they say oh by the way your best friend Andy is dead blown up in the hotel when it burned down ; probably beaten to death first head stoved in but of course you probably know all that because you did that too , did n't you ?
2 The opportunity presented by RMI is nicely summed up in a paper by Black , Dearden , Mayhew and Nichol ( 1989 ) in which they say ‘ Resource management enables clinicians and managers to see directly what the cost of various patterns of care are , to consider alternatives and make decisions in a more informed way — at the level of patient , the service or service mix .
3 However , it is a less expressive image , as it is a less expressive moment , for while he is so wrapped up in the action of taking the shot she can not reveal much more than that furtive concentration that takes over any face in the act of intensive looking .
4 This point is sensibly picked up in the Vienna Sales Convention , which provides in article 1(2) that : The fact that the parties have their places of business in different States is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear from the contract or from any dealings between , or from , information disclosed by , the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract . ’
5 The Governors ' commitment to the new scientific revolution is perhaps summed up in the concluding paragraph of the Minutes :
6 This is generally taken up in a chorus of masculine approval : Yes , a fly on his shirt !
7 Mud , as a solution to the world 's housing problem , is thus caught up in an intricate economic , social and political web .
8 In the case of Professor Fang Lizhi , the dissident leader who is still holed up in the US embassy in Beijing , Mr Bush has been unable to say when or whether the Chinese may allow him to leave for a third country , as reportedly urged by Mr Scowcroft .
9 But as far as the security services are concerned , the Kremlin is still plotting to undermine world capitalism and J. Edgar Hoover is still holed up in the FBI powder room .
10 I was so excited , I had to fax a friend of mine , who is really wrapped up in the Royal Family , saying : ‘ Guess who I met ? ’
11 She is now locked up in a mental institution — and only strength of character probably stopped the same fate from happening to Gless .
12 The story may have a basis in fact ; it is possible there was a prehistoric dwelling here that is now swallowed up in the mud at the bottom of the lake .
13 CICS/6000 is a good product , Data Logic argues , but falls down because it is now caught up in the world of IBM marketing strategy .
14 The rate of change and the lack of sincere consultation have led to an air of defeatism and concern which is frequently summed up in the analogy that they ( the government ) keep moving the goalposts .
15 This view of community education and development is well summed up in the first Gulbenkian Report on Community Work .
16 ‘ She comes up here , throws herself at a man who may or may not be her brother , but who is undoubtedly mixed up in a very unsavoury episode in his country 's history , lets him persuade her to fool around with a very dangerous drug …
17 Usually the hero is then brought up in a lowly family and achieves high rank later .
18 The reason why there is so little progress is horribly tangled up in the overall failure of Italy 's public life , a failure which is arousing mounting concern among her EC partners .
19 It is not merely we parliamentarians who are the victims of that haste ; local government is again caught up in a hopeless struggle against the odds .
20 The class is completely caught up in the action : toes and shoulders wriggling in sympathy .
21 The popular feeling is beautifully summed up in a recently published collection of faded Edwardian photographs , entitled The Golden Years , 1903–1913 .
22 The pace is certainly hotting up in the Hathaway £1,000 fours tournament in Darlington with 12 strong teams in two well balanced groups battling for a grand final place schedule for April 24 .
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