Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] that [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is widely believed that if Labour 's national executive had acted on his report in the mid-1970s about the need to root out Militant Tendency from within the party , then the movement would have been saved all the subsequent turmoil in the 1980s , by which time Militant had gained a grip .
2 It is widely believed that as Down 's Syndrome is a specifically identifiable handicap with which babies are born , the possible change in their intellectual abilities will be either small or non-existent .
3 The significance of migrating larvae of S. vulgaris in natural cases of colic is difficult to assess , but it is generally recognised that where strongyle infections of horses are efficiently controlled the incidence of colic is markedly decreased .
4 It is generally thought that if premises can not be reinstated within three years then something is grossly wrong .
5 It is generally supposed that while Paisley , Beattie , Foster , and such people wish to maintain the evangelical ethos , the younger generation of Peter Robinson , Jim Wells , Jim Allister , and others recruited through the Queen 's University branch of the DUP want to create a mass popular party by playing down the evangelical elements in the party platform and by pursuing more respectable methods of political action .
6 It is now recognised that if voting rights are to vary , separate classes of shares should be created so that the different number of votes can be attached to the shares themselves and not to the holder .
7 If is often said that as people get older they care less what other people think , but it has never been so true as in the last 25 years , when women who were brought up to propitiate the more powerful sex gradually realised that it was no longer necessary — or , at least , not always necessary — to do so .
8 However , it is often argued that when barriers are taken down and teachers start to work in teams developing courses and assessing pupils ' responses , real improvements begin to occur .
9 The point is frequently made that if bus fares were set at a reasonable level , buses would be used more often and public safety would be greater .
10 It is well known that when parents talk to young children they repeat a great deal of what the child says ( and , of course , also expand it ) .
11 Although this is uncontroversial where conversion is uncertain or unlikely , it is sometimes argued that where conversion is probable convertible debt should be reported outside liabilities .
12 It is sometimes said that whereas occult sciences , such as alchemy and astrology , were static in their theoretical content , modern science has been progressive .
13 It is commonly suggested that since faith depends on assumptions , it has nothing to do with knowledge , just as knowledge has no need of faith .
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