Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] [adv prt] that the " in BNC.

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1 This is not to deny that plan-making is a very valuable function of our local authorities ; it is rather to point out that the existing powers to implement their plans are restricted by the price that the market puts on some land , and by the fact that the planners ' resource is in the hands of private owners rather than at the disposal of the community .
2 My aim is only to point out that the situation is more complex than a simple division between ‘ Western monotheism ’ and ‘ Eastern polytheism ’ .
3 At the least it is usually laid down that the amendment of the Constitution can take place only through a special process different from that by which the ordinary law is altered …
4 It is also pointed out that the danger of " hurrying " and teaching " more " is that time for gathering information and reflecting on practice and the implicit and explicit theories that guide it can evaporate easily in the busyness of increasing demands …
5 It is often pointed out that the long-running set of victimization data in Britain , the General Household Survey 's regular measurement of the extent of burglary victimization since 1972 , indicates that most of the increase in recorded burglary is a reporting phenomenon .
6 Thus , it is often pointed out that the statistics of murder include many domestic killings , the implication being that the figures are not therefore quite as grave as they seem .
7 Moreover , it is frequently pointed out that the early Christian definitions of faith did not mean by the Greek and Latin words that we commonly translate as ‘ person ’ exactly what we would mean by ‘ person ’ today .
8 It is seldom pointed out that the use of verbal insults is almost always an integral part of incidents in which women are physically and sexually assaulted .
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