Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 It is important to ensure that legitimate public interest in environmental issues is properly met by access to reliable information and advice .
2 Once again the language is vital to the analysis , for the term ‘ juggling ’ is widely used in relation to detection rates and carries with it an understanding that what is happening belongs to a world where movement conceals as often as it reveals .
3 The overlap between temporary and part-time working is most pronounced with respect to seasonal , temporary and casual working .
4 First , I do not take the view that the recovery of money paid under duress other than to the person is necessarily limited to duress to goods falling within one of the categories hitherto established by the English cases .
5 If , however , piece 2 is wrongly positioned with respect to the others , the assembly will appear as .
6 ( 1987 : 29 ) I would only add that the value of what we can not understand is only recognized by reference to what we can .
7 In the UK this practice is only permitted in relation to a Recommended offer .
8 Just as the coastal cities were subjected throughout the centuries to incursions from the interior by the forces of whichever power held sway beyond the mountains — Byzantines , Hungarians , Serbs and Turks — so the tranquillity of the Mediterranean climate is brutally violated from time to time by the icy blasts of the bura .
9 Equally , one should perhaps guard against the maxim that a conductor who is not also a creative writer is somehow debarred from access to the grail of ultimate musical understanding .
10 Yet all this is easily understood in comparison to grasping the concepts of recovery .
11 At first sight this seems to defy common sense , but the point is easily made with reference to whales .
12 His plight is movingly described without recourse to glorification or undue sympathy .
13 Speech is normally used in face to face interaction whereas writing is used across barriers of space and time .
14 This is best explained by reference to the diagram , topsoil being removed from a small area at a time and the chalk quarried down to the new level .
15 The nature of the variable is best explained by reference to the relevant descriptors in Table 8.2 .
16 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
17 The point is best illustrated by reference to specific examples under the existing United Kingdom constitution .
18 This is best illustrated by reference to Article 1 of the Protocol .
19 The transition from classical elite theory to modern variants of elitism and to its mutant offshoot pluralism is best illustrated by reference to the work of Joseph Schumpeter , whose most important contribution to modern political theory is to provide the template for many theoretical efforts to reconcile the ‘ fundamental fact ’ of elitism with democratic theory .
20 A reading of the tale as a satire on merchants is usually supported by reference to the pilgrim-narrator to whom the tale is ultimately ascribed , the Shipman .
21 It is usually sought in addition to an order of certiorari and is designed to ensure the performance of a public duty .
22 The systematic survey is the antidote to excessive reliance on personal experience which is usually biased by exposure to idiosyncratic samples and by selective perception .
23 The perception of shape and pattern in apparently disorderly ( but dynamic and mobile ) things is usually mentioned with reference to visual perception , and it is commented on in the sciences and the arts alike : it is prominent , for example , in the notebooks of the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins ( J. Milroy , 1977 ) , in his careful descriptions of cloud formations , waterfalls and other dynamic phenomena , and much of the poet 's imagery depends on a kind of ‘ observer 's paradox ’ ( rather different from the familiar Labov version ) , through which a dynamic phenomenon can nonetheless appear to have stable shapes and patterns within it and , conversely , a static phenomenon may appear to contain mobility .
24 The concept of aequa mens , a balanced spirit , is originally Stoic , and is also very Horatian ; in Leapor 's work , however , the idea is usually associated with resignation to the will of God .
25 It is always embedded in some social form , in conventions such as letter writing , charters , catechisms , business styles , academic ‘ texts ’ etc. , and it is always learnt in relation to these uses in specific social conditions .
26 Alan Dodsworth of Darlington paid over £2,000 in cash to Mr Round last October for a kitchen that was never delivered ; and disabled Ferryhill resident Royston Hunter is still waiting for work to be completed at his home after giving Mr Round £4,180 in November .
27 And disabled Ferryhill resident Royston Hunter is still waiting for work to be completed at his home after giving Mr Round £4,180 in November .
28 Her family is still waiting for justice to be done .
29 As a label , Gramola is still revived from time to time for releases that are primarily designed for the local market .
30 The policy of gender neutrality is further pursued in relation to the proposed offence of procuring an act of gross indecency by threat which would be capable of commission by and against males as well as females .
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