Example sentences of "is [adv] [verb] [conj] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But for those in Japan who do achieve a more secure status it is widely accepted that such benefits are unlikely to be renewed if the individual moves to another company .
2 To deny that these clear and generally accepted principles apply to nuclear weapons is effectively to say that these weapons are outside international law , that nuclear weapons in themselves abolish international law .
3 However , that disc distress is greatly increased when these workers find that their ex-bosses opens another business with another name , just over the road or in the same premises .
4 If the early nineteen nineties are as testing a time for U S and U K markets as many people predict I 'm nonetheless confident that Pearson is better placed than most companies to withstand this .
5 It is better manned , it has more resources and it is better equipped than any police force in British history .
6 Although it is obviously hoped that these accounts will be interesting as economic history , whatever they reveal about the working and role of government may also be relevant and applicable today .
7 The course for the degree of BMus is broadly based and former students are to be found in all walks of musical life in broadcasting , recording , publishing and musical administration , as teachers , writers , performers , composers , conductors and instrument makers .
8 It is generally conceded that such words have at least a Component of meaning that resists truth-conditional treatment ( Grice , 1975 ; Wilson , 1975 ; Levinson , 1979b ) .
9 Many claims are received in respect of cigarette burns to furniture , carpets etc. and although there has been no actual ‘ fire ’ , it is generally accepted that such claims can be considered as fire damage .
10 Lampreys and hagfishes lack a differentiated stomach , and it is generally assumed that all agnathans were similarly microphagous with no need for a stomach .
11 It is generally assumed that all spreadsheets will benefit from fast calculation but this is n't necessarily so .
12 It is generally assumed that both texts on British Library Additional MS 23986 are preserved there as fragments of longer originals , and this is certainly true of the Anglo-Norman ballad first written on the roll .
13 It is generally agreed that these redshifts are caused by the expansion of the Universe .
14 It is easily seen that these conditions are identical and reduce to just , the condition governing the critical frequencies of the constant-k prototype .
15 It is usually accepted that such milestones were measured from civitas capitals or cities , suggesting that by the AD 270s Water Newton had achieved this rank and was responsible for the local government of its hinterland .
16 There is no cure for this , but fortunately it is usually found that such processes do not occur in some fraction of photoionization events , so that the observed spectrum contains at least some intensity in an unshifted line , accompanied by various ‘ satellites ’ corresponding to the energy loss processes .
17 And then , though in varying degrees , you can see or hear these specific kinds of work : relatively easily if they are specific forms of your own culture ; with more difficulty , and sometimes with absolute difficulty , if they are forms of some other , especially remote culture , or if your own culture is deeply divided and these forms come from an area that is strange to you .
18 This commercial network is greatly strengthened by shared social and cultural identities — and the unity of the upper class is further reinforced as these links are utilised .
19 All the early Fleetwood Mac guitar tones are available in the middle position and this is further accentuated when both humbuckers are coil-tapped .
20 Good communications will often secure good working relations with no misunderstandings , if it is clearly explained that those details must be specified in the estimate .
21 It is also conceded that many viewers will want to see the match and that ITV were in a tricky position because on that weekend in February they are planning to screen a Littlewoods Cup semi-final .
22 It is also assumed that these qualities are true of most old people .
23 Bachrach and Baratz ( 1970 ) argued that power is also exercised when some groups are prevented from raising issues that are against the interests of the powerful .
24 It is also understood that these Biros were capable of telepathically transmitting their cries for freedom to companions of their tormentors , with the result that these would remark , for no logical reason , ‘ You look a right prat with that thing hanging round your neck , throw it away . ’
25 It is also known that such conditions can be cured by a reduction in anxiety
26 It is also alleged that those countries that are in surplus in relation to intra-EC trade in manufactures have also gained from the CU effect .
27 It is also thought that some women enjoy fantasies of rape .
28 The migrating larval stages in large numbers may cause a transient pneumonia , but it is now recognised that many cases of so-called " Ascaris pneumonia " may be attributable to other infections , or to piglet anaemia .
29 It is now believed that such names were used for monastic communities modelled on genuine desert prototypes in Egypt .
30 " This Meeting being informed that Cart Drivers are very inattentive as to their Conduct upon the road with Carts It is now recommended that all Travellers upon the road shall take to the Left in all situations , and that when a Traveller upon the road shall loose a shew of his horse , the Parochial Blacksmith shall be obliged to give preference to the Traveller . "
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