Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No academic libraries since the time of the Travelling Workshops Experiment have successfully applied the strategy and it is most unlikely that illuminative evaluation ‘ in toto ’ will ever get the opportunity to prove itself in academic user education , largely because of the lack of time to pursue it in full .
2 The police have been criticised for their low prosecution record in rape cases and it is most unlikely that domestic rape would have been dealt with more enthusiastically .
3 It is most important that comfortable relationships exist in people orientated businesses , and you will profit in more ways than one if you feel happy to return and use the facilities over and over again .
4 It is little wonder that fundamentalist sects have a field day welcoming in disillusioned people who have been put off Christianity by forms of Anglicanism which offer so little and demand nothing .
5 The emphasis is on economic research , but the Centre is keenly aware that other disciplines are concerned with policy questions .
6 R v Secretary of State for Home Department , Ex parte Kuku ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls and Staughton LJJ ) ; 28 Sept 1989 It is highly desirable that foreign nationals to whom r 10 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 169 applies should not only by warned by the Home Office of the necessity under s 3(4) of the Immigration Act 1971 of obtaining a visa if seeking re-entry to the UK after a short visit abroad , but that that warning should take the form of a document attached to the foreign national 's passport , so there is no question of any misapprehension .
7 But we think it is highly regrettable that economic development is being seen as an integral part of the war against terrorism , not least for those charged with making it work on the ground .
8 It is highly likely that interglacial sea levels are represented by marine terraces or raised beaches , but the levels associated with each interglacial are to some extent in dispute .
9 A survey will be carried out of sewage disposal systems and it is highly likely that major expenditure will be necessary .
10 It is highly likely that special forces — 22nd SAS Regt. , and Special Boat Squadron RM — have been present in the Gulf since an early stage of Operation ‘ Granby ’ .
11 Near Roman towns , it is highly likely that original churches were founded as mausolea or temples in graveyards outside the Roman settlement proper .
12 First , ‘ It is highly improbable that single-celled organisms ( on another planet ) could ever develop into complex intelligent beings . ’
13 In this study , sulphate reducing bacteria must have been absent , or their activities limited in the non-methanogenic samples tested , because it is highly unlikely that methanogenic bacteria will displace sulphate reducing bacteria for this mutual growth substrate given an adequate supply of electron acceptor ( sulphate ) .
14 I would suggest that it is highly unlikely that sufficient numbers of Timbury type continuing care units will be provided .
15 Clearly the amount of potential information in any film is sufficiently large that systematic manipulation would be extremely difficult .
16 It is somewhat paradoxical that structural shift does not appear to have been a major factor in productivity growth after the war , because it is well known that structural imbalances contributed substantially to unemployment between the wars .
17 He stated : ‘ It is somewhat bizarre that local authorities should single out the nuclear industry with its accident-free transport record for attack when the public is placed at far greater risk by the routine traffic in fuels and chemicals which seem to be of little interest to our councillors . ’
18 The specificity of cognitive accounts of particular ages is so strong that feminist psychologists have not really managed to make links between them or across them .
19 Friendship between domestic horses is well known , and the need for attachment is so strong that lone horses will become firm friends with cows , goats , pigs and even people .
20 This denial is so certain that other people close to the sufferer may even come to doubt their own certainty that there really are problems or they may even come to doubt their own sanity .
21 His only complaint is that the technique is so simple that other researchers will be able to duplicate it quickly enough to keep up with his group .
22 Since the amendment bans ‘ unreasonable searches and seizures , ’ the possibility remains that a test may be found unreasonable if the job is so non-critical that public needs fail to outweigh individual privacy interests .
23 One important factor , he suspects , is that the market in the South-east is so depressed that southern buyers simply can not sell their own homes in order to move .
24 Yet the field is so rich that new insights emerge year after year which , alas , are largely restricted to specialists .
25 Crowd flow in these three locations is so good that non-conference guests can stay there during even the largest event without inconvenience .
26 Of importance at this stage is whether the technique merits wider and detailed comparative trials or is to good that such trials are not justified on ethical considerations or is so good that patient pressure is such that carefully controlled trials can not be mounted ( phase III ) .
27 It has a period of 357 days , and at minimum is so faint that large telescopes are needed to show it , but at maximum it has been known to rise to 5.7 , and is then just visible with the naked eye and very easy in binoculars .
28 There are people who are convinced that the problem is so acute that lasting damage has already been done .
29 More intensive use of tropical forests is occurring where pressure on land is so acute that fallow periods of insufficient duration are creating environmental degradation .
30 Close to T m the segmental motion is too great to allow many stable nuclei to form , while near T g the melt is so viscous that molecular motion is extremely slow .
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