Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [conj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The burlesque is most apparent where learned words keep company with the homely and seafaring vocabulary associated with the Captain : " in his delicacy , sheered off again confounded " , " in the full lustre of the ankle-jacks " .
2 Given the current recognition system , it is most unlikely that such examples will occur in this form .
3 Whatever approach is taken to the patient at special risk of suicide it is most important that all members of staff involved in the patient 's care are absolutely clear about the current policy at all times .
4 It is most important that comfortable relationships exist in people orientated businesses , and you will profit in more ways than one if you feel happy to return and use the facilities over and over again .
5 Although there are other possible sources , it is most likely that these lines are an echo of Pope 's comments on Martha Blount 's celibacy :
6 It is little wonder that fundamentalist sects have a field day welcoming in disillusioned people who have been put off Christianity by forms of Anglicanism which offer so little and demand nothing .
7 The emphasis is on economic research , but the Centre is keenly aware that other disciplines are concerned with policy questions .
8 Usually agricultural technology is closely linked to that of industrial technology and is constantly innovating as private farms strive to remain competitive .
9 Had no such provision been made , and had it merely been left to the initiative of backbenchers to keep an eye on instruments tabled , it is highly probable that many instruments would become or remain law with never a critical eye being cast over them .
10 It is highly probable that many men will claim a belief that the girl was over 16 since , if sexual intercourse has taken place , this is the only defence available to the charge .
11 R v Secretary of State for Home Department , Ex parte Kuku ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls and Staughton LJJ ) ; 28 Sept 1989 It is highly desirable that foreign nationals to whom r 10 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 169 applies should not only by warned by the Home Office of the necessity under s 3(4) of the Immigration Act 1971 of obtaining a visa if seeking re-entry to the UK after a short visit abroad , but that that warning should take the form of a document attached to the foreign national 's passport , so there is no question of any misapprehension .
12 It is highly likely that special forces — 22nd SAS Regt. , and Special Boat Squadron RM — have been present in the Gulf since an early stage of Operation ‘ Granby ’ .
13 Even if we restrict the process to include only lagged values of s and f , it is highly likely that longer lags in s and f will have an effect on their current values .
14 Near Roman towns , it is highly likely that original churches were founded as mausolea or temples in graveyards outside the Roman settlement proper .
15 First , ‘ It is highly improbable that single-celled organisms ( on another planet ) could ever develop into complex intelligent beings . ’
16 In this study , sulphate reducing bacteria must have been absent , or their activities limited in the non-methanogenic samples tested , because it is highly unlikely that methanogenic bacteria will displace sulphate reducing bacteria for this mutual growth substrate given an adequate supply of electron acceptor ( sulphate ) .
17 I would suggest that it is highly unlikely that sufficient numbers of Timbury type continuing care units will be provided .
18 In the perfect competition model the number of producers is sufficiently large that all firms are ‘ price- takers ’ .
19 Alan Yentob , controller of BBC2 , said last night : ‘ It is fantastically important that these issues are debated .
20 This is especially problematic as many points made later in the book depend on distinguishing the three notions .
21 He stated : ‘ It is somewhat bizarre that local authorities should single out the nuclear industry with its accident-free transport record for attack when the public is placed at far greater risk by the routine traffic in fuels and chemicals which seem to be of little interest to our councillors . ’
22 The average rate of accumulation of the 6000 metres of limestone under the Bahamas Is only four or five centimetres per thousand years .
23 This is ‘ monomode ’ fibre , but it is obviously more difficult to inject light into the end of a fibre whose usable core is only five or six micrometres wide .
24 Mobbs says : ‘ On-site training is only viable where suitable facilities exist and commitment is given to releasing staff from daily duties .
25 Reflecting on Down 's immediate future he adds : ‘ You have to remember that the championship is only eight or nine weeks away so the more competitive football we get the better .
26 ‘ In any case , if someone is determined to go in the sea , for whatever reason , they can just hop over the wall , which is only two or three feet high .
27 At the time , there was much unease in my constituency because , although Gartree is reasonably isolated , it is only two or three miles from the centre of Market Harborough , with its population of more than 15,000 people .
28 Ideally , the centre of the shaft is only one or two inches above the cockpit coaming .
29 May I suggest that this is only true if natural conditions are emulated , and to do this requires a thorough understanding of the Cardinals ' natural habitat — which is not a blackwater area .
30 The specificity of cognitive accounts of particular ages is so strong that feminist psychologists have not really managed to make links between them or across them .
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