Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The person with a healthy Inner Face is the one who is most able to form good relationships with others ; he does not feel that he has to put on an act to impress yet neither does he feel superior to those with whom he comes in contact .
2 Careful photographic recording is most important to support subjective descriptions , but this has problems in itself ( see below ) .
3 Likewise , the teacher is most motivated to study educational problems when pursuing his own problem defined in his own language .
4 This unit auto-senses the mains voltage , and adjusts accordingly , so is most likely to benefit international travellers .
5 It is this last uncertainty which influenced both Conrad ( 1979 ) and Meadow ( 1980 ) in suggesting that an MCE form of signing is most likely to satisfy deaf children 's needs .
6 It is rather important to prolong important climaxes , rather than let them slip away quickly , by holding them over an adequate period , through word repetition , musical extensions , etc .
7 The CNAA is constitutionally able to approve suitable courses without altering its charter ’ .
8 However , while it may be legitimate to calculate such indices upon the basis of known population figures , it is highly problematic to construct future projections of the ratios as they rest upon assumptions about future patterns of fertility which are almost impossible to predict .
9 Council is especially anxious to see inventive applications of a ‘ pump priming ’ nature and is prepared to consider applications from those working in chemical education as well as chemical research .
10 Furnell ( 1986 ) notes , too , that psychology is especially likely to give social accounts of lesbian identity , while gay male identity , which is a much more serious affair , gets more individual treatment .
11 Given the demoralisation caused by this neglect , it is somewhat galling to hear Labour spokesmen smugly declare that there is no support for socialism in Northern Ireland .
12 The acquirer will want to ensure that it is only obliged to take reasonable acts to mitigate and not ones which would harm the target or the business .
13 ‘ It is evident then that to prevent explosions in coal mines , it is only necessary to use air-tight lanterns supplied with air from tubes of small diameter or from openings covered with wire gauze …
14 One of the problems with not getting killed climbing while still young is that you reach such a great age that your standard falls mercilessly , and it is only possible to relive great exploits by reading about yourself in guidebooks .
15 Reviews of exhibiting societies ' shows have constantly presented difficulties to critics , as it is only possible to give brief comments on some of the artists ' work ; how could it be otherwise when an exhibiting society shows several thousand works ?
16 When various media types and units are being used , particularly if primary and secondary media items have been forced to different media types , a unit which is only able to handle secondary items will attempt to do so in order to contribute to the workload .
17 It is entirely illegitimate to read post-Freudian standards into a pre-Freudian world or to assume that sexual behaviour then must have been like ours .
18 It is extremely important to give full details of the people who can be contacted for further information , and this , of course , is in addition to the company or organisation 's name and address printed on the release paper .
19 If a young woman is feeling fit and healthy , it is very tempting to skip the effort of going to the clinic , having to make an appointment long in advance and then waiting in long queues but it is extremely important to have regular checkups for the sake of both your health and that of your baby .
20 This technique employs a more gradual fixation procedure and is less likely to produce broken preparations showing artefactual losses of chromosomes .
21 Where it is clear from Jane Austen 's novels that those of humbler birth , if they had something to teach them , also had something to learn from them-Fanny , William , and Susan are all improved by their contact with Mansfield Park — in the reign of Victoria even Mrs Gaskell , who was certainly gifted with what Charlotte Bronte described as ‘ the organ of veneration ’ , is less inclined to revere great houses than to laugh at them .
22 Secondly , in some circumstances , it is morally justifiable to use non-human animals in research where the use of humans would not be justifiable .
23 Because there is pressure on departments in humanistic subjects to appear up to date and efficient , it is much easier to persuade funding bodies to give money for computers and software than to buy manuscripts , rare books , or second and third copies of frequently used library texts .
24 It is much easier to sell good products . "
25 Gay intellectuals may dismiss essentialism as a bogus utopia , but it has provided the emotional power behind a great deal of gay activism — it is much harder to claim civil rights for a discursive construction .
26 Since trade unions reflect features of the society in which they have developed , it is scarcely surprising to find sharp contrasts between their role and orientation within the Soviet type communist system compared to that in western countries .
27 It is generally difficult to find recurrent contrasts of form in which they participate , let alone recurrent semantic contrasts — and they do not respond to any of the rescue strategies .
28 In most economies the public sector is invariably a net borrower due to its expenditure being in excess of its tax revenues , so it is thus obliged to issue financial claims , i.e. bank notes and government stock ( National Debt ) .
29 To reach structures deep within the brain it is not possible to use external landmarks , like folds in the cortex , directly .
30 The relation of the one continuum to the other is not possible using Newtonian mechanics .
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