Example sentences of "is [prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is during the latter part of this century , however , that historic barns and other traditional rural buildings have faced their greatest threat .
2 The sandy beach is only 200 metres away to the left of the hotel and the main late nightlife is about the same distance to the right .
3 Niort is about the same distance by the parallel N150 .
4 My interest in North Plains people in 1750 to 1850 which is about the same period for the you know cowboys goes back many years to my pre- writing days .
5 An application is an application for a renewal where it relates to premises in respect of which the applicant has been granted a licence which is due to expire and is for the same type of licence as that previously granted .
6 The I think the erm the main point that I 'd like to make is that erm the structure as it 's posed erm is for the same number of staff erm , however , the three , what were supervisory stroke managerial posts erm have changed , we feel , as a result of the merger and therefore , and there are three er little posts mainly , a head of , people called a head of and a head of the support , support a support services manager and a support services officer and erm the appendix details the main er , functions in each post , er those posts .
7 However , generalisations about the sexuality of women is of no more relevance in a criminal trial than generalisations about sadistic tendencies or pornographic fantasies in men .
8 ‘ This man is of no more use to the world than those artists who came to fawn on me and scrape a little importance for themselves .
9 But this is , I believe , slightly misleading , for although he is right about the mixture of often contradictory emotions , it is wrong to give the impression that the weeping is of the same order of emotional experience related to the child being a patient in actuality .
10 This is of the same order of magnitude as Connell 's ( 1961 ) observation that N. lapillus could manage I.l 5. balanoides a day in summer , whilst consuming fewer at other times ( Table 4 ) .
11 At its own level of ultra-miniaturization , it is of the same order of elaborateness and complexity of design as the human eye is at a grosser level .
12 He advocated passive resistance to laws prohibiting Quaker worship , reasoning that mortal restraints on conscience were ineffective since force ‘ can reach no further than to that which is of the same nature with it ’ .
13 Kirkland is of the same sort of ‘ mainstream ’ school as Geoff Keezer and his curriculum vitae is also impressive ; he 's played with both Wynton and Branford Marsalis , as well as in the pop arena with Sting 's group ( on the ‘ Dream of Blue Turtles ’ album , along with Branford ) and with David Sanborn , among others .
14 It is used as base for many cocktails , but one of my favourite ways of serving the stuff is with a little help from the hedgerows .
15 It is with the latter sort of crime fiction that those of us who enjoy writing comedy will have most to do .
16 I was never going to be a replacement for his wife , just a diversion , and I hope that , if he thinks of me at all , it is with the same shiver of half-remembered pleasure with which I think of him .
17 Docherty , who is so far undefeated as a professional , is from the same part of Strathclyde as Clinton and will attract the crowd who traditionally follow the flyweight .
18 He is in the same half of the draw as top seed Peter Marshall , the world number five .
19 Despite our finding that television news is biased , there is no doubt that it is less biased than the press , and that such bias as there is on television is in the same direction on both BBC and ITV .
20 With × 7 , this triangle is in the same field with Alpha .
21 ( With × 12 , the cluster is in the same field with p and q . )
22 Using × 7 , Iota is in the same field with g ( 4.3 , orange ) , l ( a Cepheid , with a range of from 3.4 to 4.8 and the unusually long period , for a Cepheid , of 35 days ) , R ( a Mira variable , with a range of from 4 to 10 and therefore easy with binoculars for part of its 309-day period ) and the red N Velorum ( 3.1 ) .
23 Theta ( 4.3 ) is in the same field with Alpha ( 4.1 ) , making up what looks like a wide pair ; Alpha is white , Theta decidedly orange .
24 Delta is in the same field with Eta ( 4.3 ) .
25 The intensely red Mira variable U Cygni is in the same field with 32 .
26 M79 is in the same field with 41 , and against a dark sky there should be no real problem in locating it , though under moonlight conditions I can not see it without a telescope .
27 The red semi-regular variable W Orionis is in the same field with Pi&sup6 ; ( 4.5 ) — the southernmost member of a line of stars all of which , for some illogical reason , are lettered Pi .
28 It is in the same field with Sigma .
29 To find it , use Lambda and 12 Aquilæ and Eta Scuti ( 5.0 ) as guides ; M11 is in the same field with a magnification of × 12 or less .
30 The open cluster M26 is in the same field with Delta .
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