Example sentences of "is [adj] in [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Prescott is right in restating old principles , some of which have become obscured in the rush for the political centre ground .
2 Mr Raggett says he is interested in finding industrial partners and financial backing to set up companies to sell and make products under licence in the UK .
3 James is careful in making coreferential links between one sentence and another , as he unravels step by step the complications of the situation .
4 Although no-one can deny the impressive growth of small electronics firms that make , for instance , personal computers ( see ‘ The Great British Small Computer ’ , p 639 ) the consultants said the IT industry : • is unimaginative in designing new products • lacks marketing ability • has insufficient skills in distributing goods • does not sell enough overseas • lacks enough big companies with comprehensive product and marketing strategies .
5 This behaviour is valuable in teaching inexperienced females of the responsibilities of motherhood .
6 Despite the criticisms that can be made of Etzioni 's methodology it is valuable in identifying different types of organizational power and relating these to other organizational characteristics , including not only efficiency but also the types of members , clients , customers and other ‘ participants ’ that Etzioni felt should be included in the analysis of an organization 's existence .
7 This level of prescription is valuable in safeguarding electoral procedures from ambiguity but it does mean that even simple changes require complicated amendments to a great many legislative minutiae .
8 Although it would be a mistake to see them as watertight compartments , or to pretend that issues raised in the first were not also relevant to the third , this division is helpful in indicating broad trends and key differences , which will be explored in the sections which follow .
9 It is useful in forming lengthy movements .
10 This information is useful in predicting future costs for decision-making purposes .
11 It is useful in making preliminary plans showing the relationship of the parts , the sequence of assembly and which groups of parts make up subassemblies .
12 It is useful in making preliminary plans showing the relationship of the parts , the sequence of assembly and which groups of parts make up subassemblies .
13 But whatever its status in other languages , exploring the thematic analysis of English is useful in illuminating certain areas of discourse organization .
14 The notion of segmentation is useful in identifying different categories among the unemployed , but it also has a wider usefulness in analysing cleavages in the labour market generally .
15 Firstly , the efficacy of BCG varies considerably from region to region ; secondly , it is effective in preventing serious forms of primary tuberculosis but seems not to prevent the infected person from developing postprimary , often infectious , disease .
16 Particularly hopeful was the sanction in 1978 by the Housing Corporation of up to 200 units per annum in the Special Investment Areas , where the Development Commission ( the parent body of COSIRA ) is involved in providing advance factories for job creation .
17 In order to see why this assumption is untenable , it is sufficient to consider what is involved in making identifying references to species .
18 In any case , as we saw in chapter 1 , considerable judgement is involved in assessing sub-group betas even where a more conventional statistical approach is employed .
19 * The Ukrainian government has announced it may consider restarting the two undamaged reactors at the Chernobyl site unless foreign help is forthcoming in installing new facilities to provide heating for the people still working in and around the complex .
20 Natural language indexing is important in searching online databases , especially full-text databases .
21 Is my right hon. Friend aware that when the shadow Chancellor recently visited the James Halstead group in my constituency — it employs more than 400 people and is successful in making good profits — he expressed satisfaction to the local media that most of the technology that he saw was British-made and that most of it had been made 20 miles from Bury ?
22 Very few studies have challenged the generally accepted view that ‘ canteen culture ’ is influential in determining ordinary policemen and women 's common-sense conceptions of their work ( for an exception see Fielding 1988a , b ) .
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