Example sentences of "is [adv] my [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is only my subscription to Punch that stops me from taking a midnight walk off the roof .
2 I have to say that from my point of view — and this is only my point of view — it is not a page-turner .
3 Olazabal 's compatriot Sevvy Ballesteros , who has fallen upon hard times after 68 tournament victories worldwide , said : ‘ The US Open is not my type of golf course , but I try to do my best and see what happens . ’
4 ‘ But Josey , what he wants is not my type of thing !
5 Being married to Viola is not my idea of bliss unending . ’
6 Holding hands through the bars is not my idea of fun ! ’
7 And selling out is not my line of business . ’
8 This is just my kind of diet — no junk food , plenty of fruit which I love .
9 This is just my idea of humour .
10 The little black cricket-bat GL model is still my favourite for recording , and the M-series ones are still the main stage guitars .
11 This is more my kind of sailing , rescuing damsels in distress .
12 I am lucky that my other hobby of dressmaking is also my job of work , but even if it was n't I would still enjoy making things .
13 Oh but this is n't my bit of cheese in
14 ‘ That is n't my purpose at present . ’
15 Floating down such a treacherous waterway in a barrel is n't my idea of fun , especially when it 's full of watersnakes , ducks , cannon-wielding dragons and all manner of flotsam and jetsam conspiring to sink his fragile craft .
16 Stuck behind a desk all day is n't my idea of fun , Sergei . ’
17 Having a vehicle break down and then struggling a mile down that pot-holed strip of mud you call a road is n't my idea of fun , I can tell you ! ’
18 Subjecting my stretchmarks to international scrutiny is n't my idea of relaxation .
19 I called Uulaa my home , but of course it is n't my planet of origin — or anyone else 's .
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