Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [verb] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Blackouts are described in extreme cases of overeating binges or starvation even though this feature is most commonly associated with alcohol .
2 This is perhaps best illustrated with reference to earthquakes .
3 Personal ambition might be served by a bureaucracy , but is perhaps more associated with power culture and person culture .
4 Australia has major coal , gas and uranium reserves but is less well endowed with oil .
5 We tend to overlook the authority of Jesus at Christmas ; a baby in a cradle is not normally associated with authority or responsibility .
6 In the earlier part of the period much mortality seems to have been exogenous , with little respect for social or nutritional status ( Livi Bacci 1983 ) , and crisis mortality is not well correlated with grain prices ( Wrigley and Schofield 1981 ) .
7 Bubonic plague is not directly associated with water , but the rats which carried it arrived by boat at riverside wharves .
8 The unreliability of reported mergers has been argued for most strongly by Labov and his colleagues ( Labov , Yaeger and Steiner , 1972 ; Labov , 1975 etc. ) , and for inner-city Belfast it can be argued that meat is not really merged with mate , despite the fact that people believe that it is a merger .
9 The final quieter , prayerful stanza contrasts with the single line declamations of the previous verses and witnesses to the recognition that this game is not always played with ease , that the very measure of the exultation felt arises from realisation of the ultimate issues at stake .
10 This is not always greeted with respect by other inmates or by staff .
11 The harp is an instrument of considerable versatility which is not commonly associated with use in church services .
12 Although this phenomenon has an immunological mechanism it is not necessarily associated with protection against reinfection since the larval challenge often develops to maturity .
13 We have found , however , that when more samples were investigated with the same methods , the abnormal AChE is not only associated with AD but also related to other neurological diseases that may cause dementia , although these patients are currently non-demented ( Mini-Mental State examination ) :
14 In this case , nonsense is not only associated with grammar but learning as well .
15 The top-end of the market , where the likes of Intel Scientific Computer and Parsytec live , is already well populated with compiler technology , but Portland reckons there is a great deal of ground to be gained amongst the host of niche players banging out i860 boards for graphics and CPU acceleration .
16 As middle age threatens , my adoration for the horse is once more tinged with apprehension .
17 In the first place , he is hardly ever connected with creation .
18 There can be little doubt that attractiveness in women is more closely associated with sexuality and sexuality with youth , than is the case for men .
19 The west façade is more richly decorated with sculpture than is usual in England ( 448 ) .
20 Consistent with this , birth weight is more strongly associated with death before 65 years than with death at all ages .
21 It is important to distinguish work of this kind , and to emphasize its possible value , by comparison with that narrowest version of the social conditions of art ( often called ‘ sociologism ’ or ‘ sociological relativism ’ ) , which is more commonly associated with Marxism .
22 The odd flattened bill is also richly endowed with touch receptors , and the platypus seems to use its electric and touch senses together when searching for food .
23 Teachers ' status in school is also significantly associated with efficiency and threat .
24 The word implies cleverness , but is nearly always linked with metal : iron in armour and clasps , but also silver and gold .
25 Breakage is nearly always associated with digestion in these assemblages , and it would appear that breakage occurs soon after ingestion , with lines of weakness thus exposed being attacked by digestive fluids .
26 Indeed , our history is as inextricably linked with shipbuilding as our royal heritage .
27 The heart is as much identified with thought and the mind as with the emotions and the will .
28 The magazine is now firmly established with demand for copies at an all time high .
29 It is now mainly associated with government offices in most major capitals and in Britain with the Methodist Central Hall in London and the Civic Centre in Cardiff , both designed by Rickards and Lanchester .
30 And since the town is now totally overrun with lead swingers , how come that survey the other week claimed it was just about pollution free ?
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