Example sentences of "is [adj] [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The first company to have received a licence is due to begin operations by the end of this year .
2 It is normal to commence proceedings in the local County Court — e.g. for the recovery of a debt .
3 Since a firm intact skin is essential , both to exclude infections and prevent the contents from drying out , it is usual to leave roots on the soil surface for a few hours to harden their skins .
4 Nevertheless , it is possible to classify plants in the field by taking leaf samples and performing appropriate tests ( see Dirzo & Harper , 1982a ) and to categorize the plants into four groups Ac Li , Ac li , ac Li , ac li .
5 There is another necessary condition and that is that a pitch difference must be perceptible ; it is possible to detect differences in the frequency of the vibration of a speaker 's voice by means of laboratory instruments , but these differences may not be great enough to be heard by a listener as differences in pitch .
6 It is possible to draw conchoids of the ellipse , hyperbola , parabola and other curves .
7 From this sort of questioning , it is possible to draw conclusions about the impact of the ad — was it the first or second mentioned by most people , or did no one mention it at all ?
8 It is possible to purchase gilts on the National Savings Stock Register up to a maximum of £10,000 in any one stock in any one day , and the interest is then received gross .
9 In order to justify a separate organization , the project must be of such a magnitude that it is possible to employ experts from the required disciplines , on a full-time basis .
10 Where it is possible to deliver services at the lowest point , one does just that .
11 CD-ROM ‘ XA ’ has similarities to compact disc interactive ( CD-I ) which we examine in more detail below and , in principal at least , it is possible to build bridges between the two media to make them compatible with one another .
12 They should also be building the conviction of teachers that it is possible to change things for the better .
13 It is possible to make assumptions about the inter-relationships between the data , but it is obviously better to base these assumptions on thorough analysis .
14 But the legislation does make it clear that they will be operating in a Church which has declared that it is right to ordain women to the Priesthood and does so ordain them .
15 Do you consider that the inspector is right to assess emoluments on the director , and if so is it correct to charge emoluments for the whole year when the director only uses the property for a few weekends in each year ?
16 Mr Heseltine is right to lecture recalcitrants like the AMDEA .
17 If BL , with its strong union presence , is prepared to negotiate changes in the work organisation of maintenance when microelectronics-controlled machinery is first installed , and management makes some headway in breaking down the traditional craft structure , then presumably substantial changes are on their way in other companies .
18 Is the Minister aware that in Scotland we have gained the impression that while the Secretary of State for Scotland is prepared to have meetings about the industry such as the one that he had yesterday with the shadow Secretary of State for Industry — the man with the real power in relation to the steel industry , the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , is not prepared to lift a finger to help secure a future for steel production in Scotland ?
19 Now with the accent much more on playing the rhythm , it is easier to create movements without the fear of what to play on the piano but it is not an easy task to find suitable taped music to enhance the carrying quality .
20 For legal reasons it is impossible to mention examples of the former instance .
21 I do not doubt that the majority of opinion as expressed in the submissions was opposed to the opting out process , although it is impossible to categorise opinions in the way that the hon. Gentleman would wish .
22 The point I am labouring at such length is that there is a large and complicated repertoire of non-verbal behaviour without which it is impossible to communicate meanings through the medium of spoken words and although it is tempting to regard this non-lexical repertoire as something which can be painlessly removed without any significant loss of meaning , the experience of reconstructing talk from a medium in which the representation of this aspect of speech is so poor is a salutary reminder of its importance .
23 It is impossible to isolate parts of the system of government to which the label may authoritatively be attached .
24 From studies on living organisms it is impossible to learn details of the molecular events in IL-6 induced gene expression .
25 In certain aspects of M&A advisory work it is appropriate to involve specialists from the management consultancy firm who may have a useful role to play on larger and/or more complex assignments .
26 The committee is supposed to prepare reports for the board , but the reports read more like glowing company prospectuses , and there are various discrepancies between what they say and what seems actually to have happened .
27 The federal government has suddenly ‘ discovered ’ high technology , say the scientists , and is likely to back plans for the new institute .
28 Although most Panamanians will welcome the departure of General Noriega , the fact that their new President was sworn in by a US army general at a US army base is likely to colour perceptions of the new government .
29 This is likely to cause problems in the future .
30 With six shoes under £37 , Diadora is likely to make inroads into the budget end of the market .
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