Example sentences of "is [adj] [conj] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Excess is insidious because at the time it seems a bonus but later on it can be an expense that diverts resources from development areas .
2 It 's within the congregation , Paulo was writing , not to those outside but to those dedicated baptized brothers and sisters in the trees , said you know the season that it is already the hour for you to awake so he was speaking to spiritual people , spiritually minded people and yet here he is telling them to be awake , awake from sleep or slumbers , for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became the leavers , and that 's true with us all if you came into the truth yesterday , the time that much nearer now is n't it ?
3 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
4 This The Waste Land did , but when Eliot writes elsewhere that any modern poet who applied himself to the drama would be an extremely conscious poet , using the historical imagination , it is clear that around the time of The Waste Land he was also considering writing plays .
5 It is clear that by the time Ronald Reagan entered office concerns generated by the spectre of the imperial presidency and intensified by the pattern of misgovernment symbolized by Watergate had had a seriously detrimental effect on public perceptions of the presidency .
6 It is likely that there was also a sense that higher education on a wider basis could be provided more cheaply outside the universities , though it is likely that at the time any such view would have been based on guesswork rather than hard information .
7 It is likely that by the time of its release in X11R6 — if that eventually happens — Fresco components could be incorporated into XT toolkits — it should be possible to have a gliff in an XT widget , for example .
8 In order that the shelf-life shall be sufficiently long it is necessary that at the time of manufacture , the product shall comply with a specification which sets narrower limits , particularly for those parameters in respect of which the product is least stable .
9 In order for settled property to be excluded from inheritance tax it is necessary that the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made and , in addition , it is necessary that at the time of the relevant charge , eg on the death of a life tenant or when a ten year charge occurs if the trust is a discretionary trust or where assets are appointed out of a discretionary trust , the particular trust assets are not located in the United Kingdom .
10 it is radical because at the time when I took over we needed to be radical .
11 It is true that by the time of Law 's dismissal the number of Councils had grown to 1,005 .
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