Example sentences of "is [adj] [prep] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As to section 39(11) Mr. Langley relied on the decision of the Court of Appeal ( Dillon and Ralph Gibson L.JJ. ) in Bank of England v. Riley [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 840 where the question was whether the defendant was entitled to refuse to answer interrogatories or disclose documents in reliance upon the privilege against self-incrimination , or whether that privilege was excluded by section 42 of the Act which entitles the Bank of England , inter alia , to require a person to attend and answer questions where the Bank has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a person is guilty of contravening various sections of the Act .
2 Clause 172 is also redrafted to clarify the law and reads : [ a ] person is guilty of handling stolen goods if ( otherwise than in the course of the stealing ) knowing or believing them to be stolen goods , he dishonestly —
3 Another area of interest is that of using synthetic polymers for sustained ocular drug delivery .
4 The other serious difficulty which employers in other industries do not have to cope with is that of obtaining factual details about incidents which have taken place many miles from home .
5 A further revolution that has not yet taken hold widely in Japan is that of networking personal computers and word processors , and one American working for a large Japanese company in Tokyo complained to Reuter of hours spent every day hunting down paper documents written on dedicated word processors and then stuffing them laboriously into facsimile machines — when an efficient personal computer network could save all the effort .
6 For Ross the most important method is that of testing ethical principles by reflective intuition .
7 Similar to the process of forming maternal bonds , is that of forging sexual bonds .
8 As he is used to painting large canvases , a huge blank wall was not a problem .
9 This can be especially true if you are a woman who is unused to making sexual demands , or if you are already in a long-term relationship when you begin to ask for safer sex .
10 However , the Gould-Jacobs reaction is unsuitable for producing 1-cyclopropyl-quinolonecarboxylic acids or 1-cyclopropyl-azaquinolonecarboxylic acids of the ciprofloxacin type because it is not possible to alkylate 1-unsubstituted quinolones or azaquinolonecarboxylates with cyclopropyl halides .
11 Prescott is right in restating old principles , some of which have become obscured in the rush for the political centre ground .
12 This last judgement ( although it is commonly made ) is speculative , of course , as the scribe is normally anonymous , but it is analogous to rejecting live speakers from a random sample on the grounds that they do not speak as we think they ought to speak , or rejecting attested spoken forms on the grounds that they are not what we would expect in some particular location .
13 Painting is popular for creating simple images because the mouse is used like a brush to colour areas and to create the effect of texture , like an impressionist painting , for instance .
14 Mr Raggett says he is interested in finding industrial partners and financial backing to set up companies to sell and make products under licence in the UK .
15 James is careful in making coreferential links between one sentence and another , as he unravels step by step the complications of the situation .
16 Their accuracy is crucial for producing indirect restorations and prosthetic appliances in the dental laboratory .
17 In zeolites this framework of silicates is such as to produce large cavities connected by open channels within the crystal .
18 Simplest of all is the Brookite ‘ Paraman ’ unit which comes in pairs for a small outlay and is adaptable for dropping light loads .
19 Although no-one can deny the impressive growth of small electronics firms that make , for instance , personal computers ( see ‘ The Great British Small Computer ’ , p 639 ) the consultants said the IT industry : • is unimaginative in designing new products • lacks marketing ability • has insufficient skills in distributing goods • does not sell enough overseas • lacks enough big companies with comprehensive product and marketing strategies .
20 This behaviour is valuable in teaching inexperienced females of the responsibilities of motherhood .
21 Despite the criticisms that can be made of Etzioni 's methodology it is valuable in identifying different types of organizational power and relating these to other organizational characteristics , including not only efficiency but also the types of members , clients , customers and other ‘ participants ’ that Etzioni felt should be included in the analysis of an organization 's existence .
22 This level of prescription is valuable in safeguarding electoral procedures from ambiguity but it does mean that even simple changes require complicated amendments to a great many legislative minutiae .
23 The longer variety is ideal for reaching neglected areas like backs , and the short ones or ‘ mitts ’ are good for underwater massage on flabby areas like the tops of the legs and upper arms .
24 Anthracite black is more of a black grey than a true black , so it is great for tinting other colours to get softer washes .
25 The human eye is good at choosing phenotypic effects , as is shown by the numerous breeds of dogs , cattle and pigeons , and also , if I may say so , as is shown by Figure 5 .
26 Ethernet networking comes from Xerox , a company which is famous for developing significant advances in personal computing , but then failing to take commercial advantage of them .
27 Like the Yorkshire resort he represents , Sir Michael is famous for blustering high winds .
28 One rather strange anomaly is that such intercourse is legal between consenting male adults over the age of 21 , but is illegal between heterosexuals and is punishable by a large fine or four years in prison .
29 Although it would be a mistake to see them as watertight compartments , or to pretend that issues raised in the first were not also relevant to the third , this division is helpful in indicating broad trends and key differences , which will be explored in the sections which follow .
30 If you think fund management is all about finding new wheezes , then the present focus on charities provides an apt illustration .
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