Example sentences of "is [adj] [noun] that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There is little chance that new mines will open in Britain to excavate these metals .
2 Whatever the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism there is little doubt that financial matters play far too important a part in their affairs .
3 If pay settlements in the private sector continue to decelerate to 2 per cent and the underlying rate of inflation edges up to around 3.75 per cent by the end of this year when the effects of cheaper mortgages start working their way out of consumer budgets , there is little doubt that many individuals will find their real disposable incomes squeezed .
4 Taking advantage of the disordered and uncertain state of things it is not surprising that some mineral " owners " felt they ought to have reward for the working of minerals on their land , and there is little doubt that legal issues could and did arise where such " illegal " mining was detected .
5 But whatever is ultimately decided about where person , place and time deixis belong , there is little doubt that most aspects of discourse deixis and social deixis will lie outside the scope ofa truth-conditional semantics .
6 Furthermore , the value of MRI in other areas of oncology , is beginning to be recognised and there is little doubt that further advances in technology and in the development of new contrast agents will carry MRI into a new era .
7 There is little doubt that some Frenchmen fired on Germans during the raid and afterwards , although on this occasion no hostages were shot .
8 Diamond and Smith ( 1982 , 1984 ) and Diamond ( 1985 , 1987 ) have argued that there is little evidence that all students not admitted to their first-choice institution will be prepared to substitute an alternative institution particularly if this is one from a different sector .
9 In addition , there is little evidence that qualified entrants who demand university education but who are not admitted will be prepared to substitute a public sector place .
10 There is little question that overseas markets , by and large the trophies of war , were of great value for the growth of English manufacturing over the eighteenth century .
11 There is ample evidence that many employees would welcome the opportunity to expand the narrow scope of their routine work , and that employees in mundane jobs are capable of being stretched .
12 There is ample evidence that those ties remain strong even as the character of networks changes in other ways and thus these basic family links continue to be the first line of defence , the more so because other forms of association may weaken .
13 The excise laws were widely regarded by the Irish as unnecessarily strict , and they certainly resulted in harsh repressive measures being taken by excise officers , often in conjunction with military forces , although there is ample evidence that both sides resorted to violence at times .
14 The only problem that I can see is that fact that many books can not be taken home and that many sources can not be photocopied .
15 Nevertheless there is clear evidence that some couples have modified their childbearing patterns in order to obtain a particular type of housing ( Busfield and Paddon , 1977 ; Madge and Brown , 1981 ) .
16 There is some concern that such schemes could be killed off by privatisation .
17 There is some evidence that low salinities induced by freshwater may result in physiological damage to corals .
18 There is some evidence that contemporary composers are showing a renewed interest in the Church as a patron of the arts .
19 Most meteorites are believed to be fragments of collisional debris from asteroids , but there is some evidence that carbonaceous chondrites may be stony masses released from the icy nuclei of comets , which lose their frozen binding material as they orbit close to the sun .
20 Official American Library Association publications in the 19305 paid regular tribute to the multi-media idea ( there is some evidence that British librarians maintained illustrations collections and by I 935 record collections without so much publicity ) .
21 Whereas intervals of three to four years between births have the greatest health benefits , as noted earlier , there is some evidence that longer intervals of , say , five or more years do not carry these benefits and , in fact , may have a deleterious effect ( see Table 9 ) .
22 There is some evidence that particular characteristics of events are more likely to be implicated in one disorder than another .
23 • There is some evidence that high-protein foods ( fish , meat , etc. ) and caffeine-containing drinks ( coffee , tea ) are best taken in the morning and that a light snack rich in carbohydrates ( fruit juice and dessert ) is best for supper ; caffeine-containing drinks should be avoided just before sleep .
24 There is some evidence that anti-HIV drugs can modify the effect of HIV on the nervous system .
25 There is some evidence that wild populations of mice have , in the past , gone extinct through epidemics of t genes .
26 While there is some evidence that matching grants are more stimulative than unconditional grants , the prediction that unconditional grants have the same effects as a lump-sum increase in income is not confirmed .
27 There is some evidence that further changes are being considered by the Commission but the matter is not yet fully resolved .
28 There is some evidence that institutional investors are now more prepared to increase the allocations to gilts in their portfolios .
29 I have heard it suggested that there is some danger that prospective buyers might be put off by the idea that their units have been used in this way .
30 So beautiful is this emotion that some scientists and poets regard it as the elixir of life and pursue it for no other reason .
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