Example sentences of "is [verb] on [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , right , what I want to do this week , is to go on to the next er , work of Freud 's , that follows after erm , group psychology , or rather to the next two , because I 'm gon na back these two books together for , hi there , , erm gon na back these two books together , because as we 'll see , they , they really deal with the same subject .
2 It concerns me , in fact I was , I 've had a theory for a couple of years now , that what the Tories wish us all to do is to go on to the American system of medical insurance .
3 Even then it should not apply where all that the Purchaser does is to carry on in the ordinary course of the business .
4 The medium of continuous recording prompted the inclusion of bridging scenes to allow one group of characters time to go off one set and onto another while the action is carried on by the second group of characters .
5 At the least , the seller should agree to ensure that the business of the offeree group is carried on in the ordinary and usual course so as to maintain the same as a going concern ; and that nothing is voluntarily done or omitted which would result in a material inaccuracy in the warranties if they were repeated on , and as at , completion .
6 The headstock is scarfed on behind the first fret ( as , in fact , were those on original Goodfellow basses ) .
7 My interpretation of what is going on at the present day is being saved for the next chapter , but some of the most startling results come from the latest ( and most accurately dated ) deposits .
8 Concentration has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and braving it out ; it 's the secret of being more and more relaxed and aware of everything that is going on at the same time .
9 Thus , for example , in order to understand what is going on at the local outside-level on Lewis , it is necessary to examine the structure of the oil industry as a whole .
10 I say this largely because of what is going on with the black blues artists , like Albert King , BB King , Albert Collins .
11 But I would want a constant dialogue , through various means of communication , to learn about what is going on throughout the whole constituency .
12 However , in the case of particles emitted from a black hole , the fact that one can not observe what is going on inside the black hole means that one can definitely predict neither the positions nor the velocities of the emitted particles .
13 If the adventurers want to see what is going on in the Black Pit , all they have to do is rap twice in rapid succession with the rod upon the rail .
14 The right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East immediately tried to suppress that , and that is indicative of the battle that is going on in the Labour party — It was said by the Leader of the Opposition himself .
15 This is precisely the limitation of state-centrist approaches and why all analyses that begin and end with nation-states have such difficulty in finding explanations of what is going on in the global system .
16 It is often part of an author 's technique to leave us in some doubt as to what precisely is going on in the fictional world , as Katherine Mansfield does here .
17 The job of perceptual systems is to take these fluctuating patterns of activity occurring at the receptors and interpret them in terms of what is going on in the outside world .
18 We often take a long time to hear of what is going on in the outside world and when we do find out , it can take even longer to get into the field .
19 Customers , or suppliers , or competitors , or even what is going on in the outside world , seem of far less importance than the endless struggle to achieve and operate the perfect bureaucracy .
20 The industrial paradigm has been based on the idea that the purpose of life is the satisfaction of our physical needs ( including our intellectual need to understand what is going on in the physical universe ) .
21 I am very pleased to see what is going on in the coming year .
22 They get to find out what is going on in the local employment scene .
23 What is going on in the Royal Family ?
24 This weekend , buoyed by the growing Liberal Democrat support and the trend to a hung Parliament in the most recent opinion polls , he is moving on to the next stage : cranking up the case for a coalition .
25 A solvent is flooded on to the prepared face .
26 Spacing of the bricks is marked on to the former on the inner and outer circumference , always starting form the centre brick so that it 's exactly symmetrical .
27 This poem is about the death of one of Wilfred Owen 's fellow soldiers and this is focused on in the first stanza .
28 For , when a polarizing region is grafted on to the anterior margin of a bud it is not only the cartilaginous elements that form a mirror-image duplicate but the muscles and tendons are also duplicated .
29 The importance of the parallel market is touched on in the first two sources above , and also in Podolski ( 1986 , Chs 5.2 and 6.2 ) , Llewellyn et al.
30 The work of the courts is touched on in the next chapter .
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