Example sentences of "is [verb] on [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is the more remarkable since by this time , its mother may have already given birth to another tiny baby that has made its way to the pouch and is fastened on to a teat imbibing milk of a quite different composition .
2 She feels sorry for smokers — ‘ Nowadays , I think it is looked on as a sort of disability ’ .
3 This is because investment business is not regulated business unless : ( 1 ) It is carried on from a UK office ; or ( 2 ) Where relevant , it is carried on with or for customers in the UK and is within the FSA 's territorial scope ( see page 39 above ) .
4 ( c ) Management problems Where a practice is carried on in a number of different locations : ( 1 ) rivalry between different offices will naturally occur and is generally healthy , but the partners should not overlook the potential for a fissiparous tendency to develop .
5 The most useful is the automatic mode : by keeping the trigger gently depressed , the tool will fire a staple every time the nose is pushed on to a surface .
6 This output is in turn fed to a monostable made up from NAND gates IC4c , IC4d which is turned on for a period of a few milliseconds determined by the values of resistor R17 and capacitor C4 .
7 This can simply be described as a flat panel display that is written on with a stylus ( pen ) .
8 Compare Auntie 's " Him and his women " ( a fine , natural contour ) with her That is the sort of weak politeness ' just afterwards , where the thought is dwelt on in a manner quite foreign to real life ; or the inane canonic whining of the Nieces ( not perhaps Britten 's most successful creations ) with Balstrode 's " D' you think we should stop our storm for such as you ? "
9 During its maturation it is subject to conditions not exactly like those the mother matured in ; and at fertilization it is acted on by a mate with a constitution unlike its own and unlike its mother 's .
10 To lay an egg , the female grasps a hair and deposits some ‘ cement ’ which is extruded on to a hair just before the egg is laid .
11 Rotherham striker John Buckley ( also pictured inset ) is helped on to a stretcher after fracturing his skull
12 But failure to appreciate the force of this distinction can also shipwreck attempts by observers to understand religion — to read correctly what is going on as a person performs a religious ritual or speaks religious words ( see Chapter 10 where an assessment task on this is suggested ) .
13 The computer turns its interpretation of what is going on into a television picture — healthy tissue is coloured green , tumours show up red .
14 The imperfections. of these methods of plasma diagnostics — the term used to describe the art of measuring what is going on in a plasma — gave rise to persistent difficulties and ambiguities until the late 1960s , when lasers had arrived on the scene .
15 So sorting out what is going on in an ERP is like untangling a complex bundle of many different strands of similar wool with one hand tied behind the back .
16 Generally what is needed is far greater signalling of what is going on in an essay , and more explicit management of the material presented .
17 Let mummy just watch the news then I think Playbus is coming on in a moment .
18 ( i ) As a result of the progress of medical science certain conditions are now so easily diagnosable and treatable , that , although they once carried a mortality , it can no longer be said that they do , unless that mortality is brought on as a result of some wholly unexpected and exceptional circumstance , for example gross negligence on the part of the doctor treating the patient .
19 This is remarked on in an exchange between Zapp and Luke Hogan , chairman of the Plotinus English Department , before Swallow arrives :
20 It does this through sensors which monitor speed and body movement , and this information is passed on to a computer .
21 This is passed on to a set of inference rules cast in an appropriate non-monotonic logic which operate over the knowledge base to determine an appropriately helpful answer .
22 This is then drawn full-size and traced on to acetate film which is put on to a bed of clay covering the board .
23 ‘ Its figures only measure waiting time from the day a patient is put on to a consultant 's in-patient or day case waiting list .
24 PEOPLE 'S champion Gwen Lamb is battling on after a setback in her efforts to recoup £30,000 she lost in a bank crash .
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