Example sentences of "is [verb] in [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An interesting selection of period archive film is slotted in amongst the colour footage showing Tiger Moth training units during World War Two , Yugoslav training in Italy and air racing with Tigers .
2 ‘ All you have to do is hang in for a couple of days , ’ she told herself .
3 A new board is voted in on the promise that they 'll get a better deal .
4 Fluid moving faster than average downstream is carried in towards the wall .
5 The pistol has a range of 10″ and hits with a strength of 4 and the commander has a BS of 3 ( this is included in with the profile for the Steam Tank itself ) .
6 The plate is let in to the edge of the box over the other hole , and screwed in place .
7 We have high and growing unemployment , and under those policies that high unemployment is built in for the whole of the 1990s , along with recession and slow growth .
8 But again , flexibility is built in to the system : you do n't have to register for a degree in just one subject area , but a free to mix and match your courses to build a degree that is tailor-made to your own requirements .
9 The evaluation process is built in during the planning stage , rather than ‘ bolted on ’ afterwards .
10 To move the weight inwards towards the board , the knees are bent and the pelvis is thrust in towards the sail
11 The dip liquid is pumped in from a vacuum tanker .
12 Scientific data is shovelled in by the barrow-load , emissions of ministerial concern belch forth from every conceivable government orifice , yet nothing happens .
13 When the card is full , it is handed in to the station in exchange for a new one ; the old card is kept for reference .
14 Registered letter envelopes in different sizes can be obtained from the post office , or a stout envelope or package can be used by drawing blue lines across the face before it is handed in to the post office .
15 About half a mile away an attack is going in on a hill , I can see Commandos advancing up the slopes , shells burst a short distance in front of the forward troops , probably covering fire from the British Artillery .
16 ‘ The only problem is , my car is going in for a service , so maybe you could do me a favour and give me a lift there ?
17 But the imagination can and must be controlled and concentration on whatever one is employed in at the moment will counteract the natural animal instinct of fear .
18 A gorilla in a Canadian zoo is moving in with a couple of bachelors in Texas .
19 There will always be books which are worth launching with a party because you are going to get wide coverage , but the half-page ad in Cosmo on your own is n't worth half as much as an advertorial that is tied in with a bookshop group .
20 A spokesman for the UK Offshore Operators ' Association said : ‘ Superficially , the reduction to 50pc sounds good , but the tax is tied in with a lot of allowances , including exploration and appraisal , and that has all been abolished , and that is going to have a devastating effect of exploration and appraisal . ’
21 What I am suggesting is that this use of ultra simple " binary logic " , which is tied in with the way we recognize speech sounds , is an inbuilt feature of our psychological make-up which distinguishes us as human beings .
22 A yard or so up the line from the bomb a swivel or ring is tied in as a back stop .
23 When diesel is injected in to the engine via the injector at about 2800 p.s.i .
24 The Hague Linker is getting in on the act .
25 Seven-eighths of the water the town of Aegina consumes is shipped in from the mainland .
26 Lothar de Maizière of the CDU is sworn in at the head of a grand coalition government [ pp. 37378-80 ] .
27 This kick is especially useful when a fighter has been knocked to the ground and his opponent is closing in for the kill , although in training it is learned from a standing position .
28 Indeed , as Fairbairns points out , both in this article and in her novel Benefits , when a houseworker fails to carry out her domestic duties ‘ properly ’ someone else ( usually another woman ) is brought in by the state and paid to do the identical job .
29 It is our reasons for asserting a dependent conditional which bring in a good deal more than what is brought in by the conditional itself .
30 If the bulge wind is in a steady state and is fed by inflow driven by the bar , the mass flowing into the central parsec is small compared with what is brought in from the disk .
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