Example sentences of "is [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Diplock laid down the essentials for a passing-off action : 1 ) a misrepresentation 2 ) made by a trader in the course of trade 3 ) to prospective customers of his or ultimate consumers of goods or services supplied by him 4 ) which is calculated to injure the business or goodwill of another trader and 5 ) which causes actual damage to a business or goodwill of the trader by whom the action is brought .
2 The attribute is assigned to reduce the quantity and size of drawing files .
3 The attribute is assigned to reduce the quantity and size of part drawing files by using indexed pointers to merge CAD part files automatically for variable and made-from parts .
4 Compact is intended to improve the skills and qualifications of young people .
5 By investigating current wastes ( and the range of wastes from companies which have expressed interest in moving to a clean rural environment ) it is intended to evaluate the type and amounts of wastes likely to arise and to establish the most effective means of dealing with them .
6 S1 and S2 pupils follow a common course which is intended to introduce the subject and the skills required for further study .
7 Although it is intended to protect the film and record industries , the Bill outlaws all cassette recorders used for home computing , because they can also be used to tape music .
8 The plan is intended to protect the environment and reduce damage from natural disasters .
9 The preliminary chat which usually prefaces the interview proper is intended to break the ice and give both sides a chance to size each other up .
10 ‘ The settlement does not suggest admission of wrongdoing by any of the parties and is intended to avoid the expense and distraction that would accompany continued litigation , ’ the four said a joint statement last night .
11 This moisturiser is formulated to soften the skin and improve suppleness , so that lines and wrinkles are less noticeable .
12 In the last month of pregnancy , caulophyllum is given to prepare the muscles and ligaments of the birth canal for an easy delivery .
13 Called NeuFuz4 , it runs under Windows and is claimed to reduce the cost and time needed to implement fuzzy logic because it automatically create a fuzzy system based on desired system inputs and outputs — it enables up to four inputs to create one output , then verifies and codes it for use with NatSemi 's COP8 family of embedded microcontrollers .
14 Judgment against him can not be obtained by default ( Ord 12 , r 2 ) ; but , if he does not appear at the hearing of the action he is deemed to admit the notice and is bound by any judgment , even if by consent ( Ord 12 , r 3(3) ) .
15 Yes , I think that as David said one of the things that we 've been working at very hard in recent years in teacher training is to try to improve the quality and the content of reading courses generally , and then I think it is also necessary to draw attention to teachers of this problem of dyslexia .
16 Here again the technique is to try to ignore the microphone and talk directly to the interviewer .
17 The fifteen pence cut is expected to hit The Independent and The Guardian hard .
18 However , Novell , which claimed it was acting on the urgings of its customers , is expected to press the integration and interoperability of NetWare and Unix , the development of common management framework and common application framework ABIs to put at the service of third-party software developers and mission-critical accounts intent on rightsizing and employing distributed solutions .
19 The new Earth Data System is designed to facilitate the collection and analysing of environmental-impact data by enabling the data to be gathered from many different types of computers that are geographically dispersed and often incompatible .
20 Unlike chlorination , which is designed to treat the water and make it safe to drink , fluoridation is meant to influence a human physiological process — the mineralisation of tooth enamel .
21 Now the point I 'm making here is that security competition creates a capability which is designed to defend the state and that capability comes into direct conflict with non-security objectives which are er supported by threats er of violence .
22 Weeping and sobbing are natural and appropriate responses to grief and our body is designed to provide the capacity and to use it creatively .
23 Since they accept that some types of nuclear weapons can be used in this way , the argument is designed to legitimise the development and deployment of tactical or ‘ counterforce ’ nuclear weapons and other weaponry associated with a shift away from Mutual Assured Destruction towards Nuclear Utilisation Target Selection ( MAD versus NUTS : see Keeny and Panofsky , 1981 ) .
24 In fact , Lee ( 1966 , 1974 ) suggests two related strategies ; one referred to as Developmental Sentence Types ( DST ) is designed to help the teacher or therapist classify pre-sentence utterances , while Developmental Sentence Scoring ( DSS ) is a method of quantifying the ‘ grammatical load ’ which is carried by complete sentences .
25 This course is designed to develop the skills and abilities which are important to Information Technology ( IT ) practitioners .
27 He is programmed to retrieve the missile and annihilate you . ’
28 Newcastle-on-Tyne-based accounting software house Sage Plc is looking to tap the Windows and Mac markets with its revamped peer-to-peer MainLan system and the promised Mac version of its mid-range Sterling +2 system .
29 The head of state is the President who is popularly elected from amongst members of the Assembly ; he governs with the assistance of an appointed Cabinet and is empowered to dissolve the Assembly and to call general elections .
30 The head of state is the Beretitenti ( President ) who is popularly elected from among the members of the Assembly ; he governs with the assistance of an appointed Cabinet and is empowered to dissolve the Assembly and to call a general election .
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