Example sentences of "is [verb] [that] [det] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When the new system is introduced the caretaking staff will not be amongst those identified as operators and it is intended that these revised hours will assist caretaking staff by freeing them for more appropriate duties .
2 It is hypothesised that most existing studies of adoption are not sufficiently long term to , demonstrate these effects .
3 Opening the book purely at random is to discover that most human activities appear to be the subject of superstition .
4 In Nicaragua , it is reported that many male babies born since the beginning of this year have been named either Saddam or Hussein .
5 It is expected that all senior managers in most of the organisations competing in an industry will be interviewed .
6 It is expected that any such changes to be manifested not only at the attitudinal and cognitive levels , but also in behavioural indices such as higher rates of criminal activity , marital problems and disputes at work .
7 It is recommended that all new modules ( including edited PACKAGE modules ) are given an initial issue number of 1.1A , where A is known as the development code .
8 However , Article 15 specified slightly increased levels of HLCAs because the conversion rate of European Currency Units to Sterling has been altered a little and it is recommended that any enhanced payments should be linked solely to conservation undertakings and be re-imbursed by the EEC .
9 One solution is to state that any financial benefits are only paid when the move has taken place .
10 It is said that these underground beings , djinn , rise in the half light of pre-dawn and in the twilight .
11 ( ii ) Next , a check is made that all referenced files are present .
12 Such analytic paraphrases are usually conducted from the position of a specific ( even though not always openly or clearly stated ) ontological bias ; and often the assumption is made that all purportive references to " non-meanings " in factual statements , in the final analysis , can be translated into references to ontological existents of the preferred sort .
13 There might be more advantage in making the categories run mid-way across the ten-year groups , giving 25–34 as a group if it is felt that some significant changes take place in people 's lives in their mid-thirties , or at other points in the mid-sections of the decades .
14 For example , it is argued that former communist officials in the Russian provinces continue to wield much power and are in a position to render executive decisions ineffective .
15 Another American film of that year , A Workingman 's Dream , has a very weary hero who fails to find a job at a factory ; he falls asleep and dreams of a Professor Wonderful who offers him instant wealth and a new set of clothes , but he is told that these new gains will disappear if he breaks certain simple instructions ; on three occasions he accidentally carries out simple actions which break the instructions and his wealth disappears ; he wakes up to see an ambulance taking a worker from the factory — there is a vacancy and this time his application is successful .
16 It is speculated that these small fragments might result from unique terminated or inefficient translation at one or more sites between the 136th and 205th amino acid , and not from proteolysis .
17 In the future it is envisaged that all three methods will be available as alternative input techniques for computers , perhaps including shorthand as a fourth .
18 A coherent school policy on Standard English is possible if it is recognised that all these views are legitimate .
19 The strategy employed here , to begin with , is to insist that all existential propositions of the natural language be replaced by properly quantified paraphrases ; next , propositions involving unqualified or unrestricted quantification are proscribed on the grounds that they are " obscure " and are replaced by propositions involving a qualified quantification into a specified domain ( corresponding to ordinary language propositions of the " Some S are P " type ) ; finally , a paraphrase is attempted of the qualified quantification in terms of the validity of inference .
20 The important point is to recognize that these methodological difficulties exist and allow awareness of them to influence our interpretation of experimental results .
21 It 's being reported by an American television network , that Iraq is saying that all foreign hostages in Saddam Hussein 's human shield , can leave Kuwait and Baghdad if President Bush promises not to launch an attack .
22 When considering a whole range of variables it is found that those social characteristics indicative of a low position of wealth or status do not appear among persons treated as criminal more often than one would expect from their proportion among the general population .
23 Many of these plateaus have anomalous crustal thicknesses of between 20 and 40 km and an upper layer 10 to 15 km thick with P-wave velocities in the range 6.0–6.3 km s-h These values are in the range of granitic rocks in the continental crust and so it is inferred that many oceanic plateaus ( such as the Seychelles Bank ) are drowned continental fragments originating from the edges of ancient land masses and destined to be swept towards a subduction zone in the future .
24 It is known that many medieval villages in England became deserted through decline and shift of population , and the ravages of disease .
25 It is proposed that all suitable supermarkets in the area will be contacted to see if they are interested in having the library based in their car park on a Friday evening .
26 It is hoped that some 6,000 organisations could eventually benefit from involvement with the project .
27 In the city of Rome it is believed that some 40,000 insulae lined the streets and squares .
28 It is believed that these blotched tabbies arose first in Britain , in the Elizabethan era .
29 But it is believed that several dozen members of the last Parliament are still members .
30 This can be seen to be in accordance with the Yerkes-Dodson law if it is assumed that more difficult tasks are those which require greater attentional capacity ( c.f. Kahneman , 1973 ) .
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