Example sentences of "is [verb] [verb] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , if you have only reserved the code , you must re-enter Option 9.3.0 when the item is initialised to change the state to 2 .
2 The Party 's choice of one man and one woman ( London school teacher Jean Lambert ) is intended to reflect a commitment to equality .
3 It is offering its Audio Solution Board , which is a single board system with support for CD ROM drives , and is intended to enable a computer to be used as a sound studio .
4 The procedure is by the holder of the licence or the club giving notice of application of the section to the premises , the notice specifying the date it is intended to apply the section to the premises ( subs .
5 Thus , when it is intended to export a product to a number of different countries it may , and often will be , necessary to carry out separate tests at several different conditions of temperature and humidity .
6 The debate is intended to bring the Government to account .
7 As its title indicates , this book is intended to provide an introduction to the main topics currently discussed under the rather unclear heading of ‘ epistemology ’ or theory of knowledge .
8 If the clause provides for the substitution of figures , it is important to ensure that all necessary mathematical information is given to enable the rent to be calculated ( see Wyndham Investments v Motorway Tyres and Accessories [ 1991 ] 2 EGLR 114 for a case where this was not done , and the index linked rent failed completely ) .
9 Cleaning is carried out with hot detergent solution during which the coating is dissolved enabling the soil to be floated off .
10 Version 5 however , is expected to include a facility to ‘ knit from the screen ’ , so if your computer and knitting machine are in the same room , you may find this more convenient than printing on to paper .
11 THE NOBEL PRIZE committee is expected to give a boost to the drive for political freedom in east Europe when it announces the winners of the Peace Prize in Oslo today .
12 IN his Autumn Statement tomorrow the Chancellor is expected to give the go-ahead to several multi-million pound projects that would provide British industry with the boost it needs .
13 Tarmac , which made profits of £377 million as recently as 1989 , is expected to announce a plunge to just £30 million this month and the betting is that it too will slash the dividend .
14 Chancellor Norman Lamont is expected to announce a solution to the VAT problem that threaten 's the industry 's future in Britain .
15 Chancellor Norman Lamont is expected to announce a solution to the VAT problem that threatens the industry 's future in Britain .
16 The curiosity value of a St Louis weight , in which the glassblower put the cane in upside down , reversing the date ( 1848 ) and the maker 's intials , is expected to boost the price to between £300 and Pounds 400 .
17 My Bill is an attempt to satisfy the needs of the people of Scotland , and it is designed to open the door to the necessary constitutional reform for the rest of the United Kingdom .
18 But this bodpod is designed to solve a down to earth problem … how to fit six people into a car designed for five .
19 Castle Drachenfels is designed to present a challenge to characters of all levels of experience , but inexperienced adventurers will have to be very careful indeed if they want to survive their visit to the Castle !
20 There needs to be a facility whereby one is automatically informed that the entry at which one is looking has a cross-reference to it in another part of the dictionary , and whereby one is immediately given a display of this cross reference ( or all of them , if there are several ) if one wants to check it .
21 Thus , as temperature increases , heat energy is absorbed shifting the equilibrium to the left .
22 This is said to block the way to true communion with the spiritual force .
23 Here the half-section is said to convert the load to impedance at the input .
24 The boy , who bears the surname of his fish wholesaler father Daniel Ducruet , is said to have no claim to the throne and is not even a royal .
25 The ‘ Functional Approach ’ : There are fewer though more frequent harvests , with less replication and an attempt is made to fit a function to the data .
26 The University of Strathclyde is seeking to appoint a successor to Professor Sir Graham Hills , who retires from the office of Principal and Vice-Chancellor in 30 September 1991 .
27 It is as if one is seeking to give an answer to the question : What advantage does morality bring ?
28 The Arsenal manager , facing up to the worst sequence of League defeats at Highbury for 16 years , is refusing to become a hostage to the reputations of what he calls ‘ name players ’ .
29 Mr Trevor Fisher , who is from Shrewsbury , organised the event and is seen presenting a cheque to Fr Tom Mulheran , the Director of the Trust , watched by Headmaster Mr John Byrne , who is from St Vincent 's Parish , Altrincham .
30 This chapter is written to help the reader to a more intimate knowledge of his law library , and also to guide the first steps of the research worker .
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