Example sentences of "it [modal v] [not/n't] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What form of building this curia took is unknown , though it may not have been unlike a principia .
2 It might not have been near them , of course , but it was so big they 'll likely have heard of it . ’
3 It could not have been for lack of qualifications , for Moira had served seven years on the BBC 's General Advisory Council and four years as a director of Border Television ; so one can only assume it was because of my Liberal Party connections .
4 It could not have been for offside .
5 When the French fleet , united with the Spanish , did threaten Cornwall it could not have been at a more perilous time .
6 Now it was empty as it could n't have been for centuries , left to the tide and the sea birds .
7 ‘ But it could n't have been like that .
8 It ca n't have been about school .
9 It ca n't have been like that really , though I believe records show that the summers in the late Twenties and early Thirties were warm and dry .
10 ‘ I know that if Ken had had any kind of sexual relationship it would n't have been with anyone he knew well .
11 It would n't have been on the books if I ever seen blatant sectarianism at its worst it 's in that bloody motion .
12 That 's why I have to keep an eye on it cos that blind and that , but it wo n't come yet , it would n't have been on that , that was priced it .
13 It would not have been in his nature , nor would he have been inclined , to do otherwise …
14 But it would not have been in the least like that , really .
15 It wo n't have been on a weighing machine since it left the village where it was grown . ’
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