Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That may still be prudent if your fish are in the top-quality bracket , but otherwise it may pay in the long run to be looking at 12″ Koi upwards .
2 Surprising as it may seem in the 1980s , there was great uncertainty both within Japan and outside about how long the boom would last .
3 reaffirmed the high landscape value of the appeal site and its determination that it should remain in the Green Belt .
4 The Finnish Parliament 's Wilderness Act , which includes plans to log some of the county 's most ancient forests , has come under attack from environmentalists who claim that it could result in the permanent destruction of the wilderness .
5 While there is no evidence of such practices being widespread in the country , the fact that it could happen in the main prison in the capital of India was a matter of scandal .
6 It could work in the same way as the present ‘ attendance allowance ’ , a payment made to severely disabled people which they can then choose how to spend on their care .
7 ‘ It is hard to believe that it could come in the Grand National , ’ Gaselee said .
8 As Mafouz tacked one way , it would move in the other , and when he swerved round to get it once more in his sights it would sidle left or right until it was sure it was once again in his blind spot .
9 it would result in the unnecessary loss of prime quality agricultural land and
10 Then the strategy ‘ cooperate with your neighbour if he cooperates ; otherwise defect ’ would be an ESS , although I have some difficulty in seeing how it would evolve in the first place .
11 Fourthly , Woolwich was not , of course , to know at the time of the payments that it would succeed in the judicial review proceedings .
12 Fourthly , Woolwich was not , of course , to know at the time of the payments that it would succeed in the judicial review proceedings .
13 A second is the extent to which the Labour Party had anticipated the problems it would face in the international financial market--Lord Balogh wrote extensively on international financial problems .
14 and it would appear in the simple times , before mine , even I had experience at Newark , that men could get a sub in the week because you 're actually in two days you 've actually earnt two days money and you have n't got it .
15 Consequently , a predicative structure combining a noun and an adjective related to it associatively will either seem unacceptable , as in : ( 20 ) the visiting scientists are nuclear or , at best , demand of the adjective a different meaning ( if one is available ) from the associative one that it would have in the attributive position .
16 Under the armpit of Scandinavia , Finland fits like a gusset ; and if this gusset was a piece of rotten calico then it would rip in the ragged shredded way that Finland has done .
17 It would work in the same way as the gas and electricity national grids .
18 Although the dollar remains risky in the short run , most economists reckon that it will rally in the medium term .
19 As the nursing profession waits to hear how it will do in the next pay round , there are fears that job evaluation could be used to take significant numbers of nurses out of current pay and grading structures , creating new pay set-ups unique to each different trust or unit .
20 just as condensation will appear on a window which is warm on one side and cold on the other , so it will appear in the warm cavity of a house when it is very cold outside .
21 The ABI wo n't be published as part of the next RoadMap because it is too big — although a snapshot is promised — but it will appear in the same timeframe .
22 If a relatively simple redesign of an existing product is to be carried out it will start in the appropriate box , for example that labelled design and development , and that labelled prototype/testing may or may not be invoked , depending on the confidence level that the task can be successfully carried out .
23 When property passes on death , it will go in the first instance to the executor appointed by will , or the administrator appointed by the court , who are charged with the duty of dealing with it and transferring it to the persons entitled ( see p. 114 ) .
24 However we will not be showing it at Grosvenor House : it will remain in the greater grandeur of one of our new galleries in Bond Street .
25 If this view is taken by the courts , bearing in mind that " service " is not defined in the Act , it will result in the appropriate terms from the Act being implied into a contract for the supply of such computer software systems .
26 Glass , like other substances , contracts as it cools and if the outer parts of the glass be cooled and hardened before the inner parts then the outside will , of course , contract more initially than the inside but , since the inside is still soft , it will yield in the early stages of cooling .
27 Nonetheless , I keep my game in shape and hopefully it will work in the All-Ireland finals , ’ added Colm .
28 A type I superconductor , I confess , is not a perfect diamagnet ; it will let in the magnetic flux just a little bit .
29 The manufacturer of the Forgen maintains that because the turbine is balanced it will charge in the slightest breeze , when the others will not .
30 — it can export its product for sale in the foreign country — it can appoint a foreign company to manufacture its product under licence — it can invest in the foreign country ( i.e. obtain premises , plant and workforce there ) and manufacture its own product abroad .
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