Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 I do n't support this blanket band of reducing surplus places for the sake of reducing surplus places , like the district auditor , and if quote right , it 's an accountant looking at erm , looking at figures and nothing else , and I think that is the problem with the issue , erm , we 've seen in other schools , in larger schools , where they 've developed erm , classrooms into a decent library , or resource area , but in the , in the , in the overall spectrum they 're still counted as classroom spaces , and if that classroom was put back er in , into a class , the school would suffer environmentally , because that school would have no library facilities , no resource facilities which it 's able to appreciate at the present time .
2 So it 's important to reward at the point of the desired behaviour , okay ?
3 It 's difficult to get at the timbers once you 've insulated , so get the job done properly and carry out the treatment before insulating the loft .
4 Yes I think it 's fair to say at the moment that , that , that is being looked at Mr Trotter , together with er the broader range of issues on the er the operating concept er for E F two thousand but it is of course standard practice to buy not just the number you need for the front line but to buy sufficient aircraft to keep that front line in field for about twenty five , thirty years , whatever the life of the aircraft happens to be , taking account of er attrition , taking account of training requirements and engineering needs and support needs and all that kind of thing and all that work er is , has been done , is being done at the moment and er final figures will be put to that in in due course .
5 It 's desirable to lodge at the District Registry an approved estate plan ( two copies ) ; searches by individual buyers can then be made by reference to the plot number alone .
6 The impact upon investment appraisal will be left until chapter 6 , but it is appropriate to look at the effect upon costing here .
7 Therefore , it is appropriate to start at the market portfolio and consider it in some depth .
8 It is essential to realise at the outset that desktop publishing software is totally unlike any other software product category .
9 Given the mythology surrounding Nizan 's life and work , it is essential to establish at the outset the full range and scope of Nizan 's activities in order to highlight the very real intellectual and literary qualities of the man himself .
10 It is essential to establish at the outset the correct relationship between Nizan and the communist party .
11 The intuition behind this optimal strategy is straightforward : it is optimal to sell all or nothing — all when the current price is higher than the price that one can expect to get on future sales , nothing otherwise ; it is optimal to produce at the point where marginal cost equals the expected price on sales .
12 Rather it is necessary to look at the people involved — the professionals — and understand how they relate both to their clients and to the organisations in which they work , for it is these structures that powerfully condition the primary relationships .
13 In order to fully comprehend the nature of the relationship between these sectors of the economy , it is necessary to look at the empirical material .
14 They believe that it is necessary to look at the parents individually .
15 To illustrate further the significance of the Rasakumbha , it is necessary to look at the traditional teachings surrounding the Sanskrit words ‘ Rasa ’ and ‘ Kumbha ’ .
16 Therefore , where a subsidiary has shares in issue it is necessary to look at the effect on the group as a whole in preparing the consolidated financial statements and by considering the rights attaching to the shares in conjunction with any agreements to which other group companies are a party .
17 By defining retirement as coterminous with dependency , the ‘ structured dependency ’ authors inevitably see the trend towards earlier retirement as regrettable , but in fact it need not be so : this depends on the extent to which retirement leads subsequently to poverty in old age , and to discover this it is necessary to look at the other three main determinants of the financial status of the elderly .
18 It is necessary to look at the words which appear at the foot of the defined expressions in section 251 .
19 However , as we have seen earlier in relation to corporal punishment , it is instructive to look at the ‘ small print ’ in his writings .
20 It is worthwhile looking at the advantages and disadvantages of copyright at a time when it has achieved worldwide acceptability .
21 Deconstructionists believe that it is impossible to reach at the ‘ truth ’ of a text , because every interpretation of a work is itself open to interpretation — endlessly .
22 Positivism particularly favours the indeterminate sentence : it is premature to decide at the time of sentence how long the offender should be detained for , since this may depend on how quickly the treatment works ; ideally therefore the release decision should be left in the hands of treatment experts to take at a later date .
23 It is useful to sit at the corner of a small table ( a card table is excellent ) whilst your discussion partner sits at the opposite comer — ensuring a one-to-one contact and leaving space between you .
24 It is useful to look at the spelling as a guide .
25 Because trustees are rarely dealt with specifically in the income tax code , it is critical to look at the appropriate taxing section ( eg TA 1988 , s15 in the case of Schedule A and s18 in the case of Schedule D ) in order to ascertain the particular liability in a given situation .
26 To understand the processes occurring at high Rayleigh number , it is helpful to look at the mean temperature distribution across the layer .
27 It is easy to scoff at the movement — with its prizes for knitting and taffeta umbrellas , its hyperboles about the happy revolution to be accomplished by wheel ploughs , its scientific amateurism — as the naïve posturings of a minority engaged in a self-conscious crusade against the forces of routine and conservatism .
28 It is easy to sneer at the credulous pilgrims .
29 However , where there is an ambiguity on the face of the lease it is permissible to look at the counterpart to explain it .
30 It is convenient to start at the end of that journey and work backwards from the provisions dealing with unlawful eviction which resulted in the order for damages being made in the court below .
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