Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Such a strategy would have to be very carefully designed , however , if it were not to result in a huge explosion of word hypotheses .
2 And even though ‘ Trout ’ has a message , it 's not done in a tedious , obvious way — it does n't hammer you over the head . ’
3 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
4 And as it 's not flying on a vertical pole , it needs planning permission .
5 Well it 's not trickled for a while has it ?
6 It 's not called like a golf club that you hit the ball with ?
7 It 's not bounded by a solid line but it 's just a normal hatching .
8 It 's not handed on a plate or anything .
9 Well we I would be more surprised that er er in fact I do n't think I 'm sure that it 's not happening on a on a on a er wide basis .
10 ‘ I meant — it 's newly opened as a night spot . ’
11 ‘ Planned it for years to give me pleasure in my retirement and now it 's just getting into a mess .
12 It 's just turning into a pattern .
13 I personally feel it 's better than what 's there now at the moment , it 's also positioned on a a site which is now zoned for housing anyway in the district plan , erm it is providing true good quality houses in the area , we we personally feel that it 's better than what 's being proposed alongside here .
14 When Sorella recounts this face-off , it 's also intended as a moment of recognition , an anagnorisis , for the narrator .
15 It 's also led to a whole industry around the Morse phenomenon , including the CD of music to the series , the Inspector Morse tourist trail and now a non-fiction book about how the series is made .
16 It 's also graduated from a tiny hall in the early days to the professional stage , playing to an audience of over a thousand .
17 Every time you make a change , it 's instantly applied to a letter ‘ M ’ in one corner of the Window .
18 Cos half the adults do n't do they , or if they do , it 's normally taken as a sign of severe erm , upset , is n't it ?
19 The immediacy of the D-18 transfers wonderfully to strumming ; it 's big and it 's grand , but the brightness and the zinginess mean it 's best played with a modicum of right-arm restraint .
20 The way I see it now , it 's best treated as a problem for Immigration .
21 I would agree with that , but I ca n't I ca n't envisage circumstances where dealers are actually using if they 're insuring their own their own mechanical breakdown insurance , then yes obviously , if that company goes into liquidation then obviously they have no redress which is obviously why it 's important than anybody buying a vehicle should make sure that it 's fully underwritten by a Department of Trade approved insurer .
22 It 's often described as a jungle , and to be totally frank , it is .
23 It 's like living with a cantankerous old man !
24 The communications are such that it 's like living in a village .
25 and then suddenly from the other end there 's this like , cos we , it 's like a big room , it 's the other end of the room all the dealers there , and er anyway and er and suddenly I hear , and then someone 's like saying talking , they 're all , somebody 's like mi microphone and starts talking to them about er what 's happening in the market , things like that blah blah blah blah blah , and this means blah blah blah blah so watch out for blah blah blah and I thought it 's like living in a different world , it 's amazing .
26 It 's like living in a dog 's kennel !
27 It 's like talking to a .
28 It 's like going to a firework factory and sparking up a cigarette you just would n't do it would you ?
29 That 's the kind of faithful reliability that Mercedes owners talk about , but it 's hardly expected from a car like the Sierra .
30 But , if it 's only hanging by a thread , let it fall apart and build something new from the components .
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