Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] [to-vb] [conj] this " in BNC.

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1 Users often report experiencing the sort of twisted non-Euclidian dimensions associated with the Old Ones , so it 's reasonable to assume that this is how Mait made contact with them , or with whatever race memory remains of them , which amounts to the same thing . ’
2 It 's impossible to say if this element affected the Asian research scientist 's vote but in General Elections it is the issues , usually , which dominate .
3 It 's ridiculous to suggest that this or any other police force ignores bomb warnings.The IRA 's claim that a warning was given in this case is just not true .
4 And so , through playing his stuff so many times , hearing him play it on record and on bootlegs and actually hearing him sing live — once — it 's got to the point where it 's hard to say whether this is my natural voice or if it 's something I learned .
5 It 's hard to believe but this river , the Cristolino is part of the same Tappajoss river system where Garrimperos have caused such devastation .
6 Erm , it 's important to remember that this is , in financial terms , a four year transition period , and you have n't yet completed the first twelve months .
7 It 's important to know that this is going on under our noses .
8 In noting such comments , it is appropriate to recall that this discussion must be seen against a background described with some outrage by many commentators .
9 ( d ) Agreed price As mentioned previously , it is essential to ensure that this is properly and finally negotiated at the commencement of the transaction .
10 Again it is crucial to stress that this can be a lengthy process taking some months or years depending on circumstances , availability of help and a number of other variables .
11 It is crucial to understand that this class relationship is a social relationship which is not automatically and directly produced by specific techniques of production .
12 To understand why Jews should be so possessive about a collective tragedy which touched many others , it is necessary to remember that this was mass murder specifically designed for Jews in which others were caught .
13 Even when a clear objective has been achieved ( and by a clear objective I really mean a single sentence which everybody can carry in their minds and which everybody can understand ) , it is necessary to ensure that this is known , understood and accepted at every level of the organization .
14 But it is impossible to say whether this was because the partner 's monitoring of management boosted efficiency or because the Morgan association generally indicated a monopoly .
15 Hunsdon himself died in debt , but it is impossible to say whether this was the consequence of high expenses at court or whether he was typical : in the upper reaches of royal service , where conspicuous consumption was demanded , much would depend upon luck .
16 This is a much lower level of use than either Edinburgh or Glasgow , but in view of the standard of service observed on this occasion , it is impossible to say whether this usage figure represents lower demand , or merely laxity in control .
17 It is impossible to know if this story is true since the police have no record of the event .
18 Unfortunately , systematic , industry-side data is now a thing of the past for the port industry following the demise of the National Dock Labour Board and the National Association of Port Employers , so it is impossible to determine whether this is a specific or general phenomenon .
19 It is strange to relate that this well-known symbol has been comparatively neglected by social scientists and especially by social psychologists .
20 It is strange to relate that this short stretch of water should be such a barrier but the hills of Wouldham and village are as foreign to some people of Halling as any parts of the world and in fact there are some who travel all over the country and to some places abroad , but have lived all their lives in the village without ever setting foot on the further banks of the river .
21 It is reasonable to suppose that this fact is significant , even allowing for the fact that Scaevola is disproportionately well represented in the Digest by cases on the law of succession .
22 It is reasonable to assume that this is because the stereotype of the educated Jamaican Standard speaker is one that is familiar to children of Caribbean background but is not generally recognised in the white community .
23 It is sad to reflect that this arguably more comprehensive specification is simply not available from any UK manufacturer at anywhere remotely near the price , yet there are several rival firms in Germany with this capability .
24 It is pleasant to find that this believer in the perfectibility of mankind was a good father to them all .
25 Yet it is misleading to suggest that this means that legal authority depends on nothing more than the testator 's intention , whatever it may be .
26 It is easy to see that this was a practical means of enclosing a large volume which then could be used for the storage of grain , and the profile is reminiscent of the gambrel-roofed hay barns in the USA .
27 We are so used to hearing talk about the nervous system ‘ encoding ’ the outside world that it is easy to forget that this is a metaphor and it is one that has no place in serious philosophical discussion of the mind-body problem or the philosophy of perception .
28 Therefore it is easy to assume that this must be a deliberate , callous attempt to inflict hurt .
29 On the other hand , where severance of the subject matter is envisaged under the contract and property is to pass at this time , it is possible to argue that this is only a sale of goods ( see Kursell v Timber Operators and Contractors Ltd [ 1927 ] 1 KB 298 ) .
30 It is possible to doubt whether this was a good idea .
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