Example sentences of "it [verb] from [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While British Standards ( BSi ) sets minimum requirements for the number of facilities for men and women , the provision of public lavatories is the responsibility of local authorities , so it differs from area to area .
2 In tennis he will ask his students to call out their estimate of the height of the ball above the net as it crosses from side to side , or he will ask them to shout ‘ Bounce ’ each time the ball bounces and ‘ Hit ’ each time it is hit , giving Self 2 a chance to show what a fluent player he really is .
3 Dr Obelkevich in a detailed study of rural Lincolnshire has shown that the " religious realm " of the rural poor reached beyond Christianity to " encompass an abundance of pagan magic and superstition " which was integrated with a Christian doctrine itself not left unchanged as it passed from church to cottage .
4 yeah , but it goes from computer to computer , but summat 's gone wrong ai n't it ? , somewhere along the line , they 've rang the bank themselves maybe he did n't believe your dad or not I do n't know , she got back to him , she says , we 've rang your bank and they were very helpful , they saw it so what you have to do is ring Blackpool , she says as so as soon as Blackpool ring back , she 'll ring
5 It goes from alpha to omega , beginning Alpha , beta , gamma , delta .
6 It goes from side to side , stopping at every landing point so you 'll have a good — and cheap — view of all the buildings along the canal . ’
7 In other words , the injury was such that the degree of pain which it produces from day to day throughout the years is at any rate sufficient for experienced medical men to say that the rather drastic operation of arthrodesis would normally be the best thing in the circumstances .
8 Somewhere out of sight , cicadas filled the air with their high-pitched whirring and , in the distance , a woodpecker shrieked as it swooped from tree to tree in a flash of yellow , green and red .
9 What I was prepared to believe now , although it changed from day to day , was something frightening and surprising and new .
10 As it changed from green to amber the current intensified sharply and before he could stop himself Graham instinctively jerked his hand off the pad .
11 Meg stood behind him , at his shoulder , holding the two lamps steady above the page , following Ben 's finger as it moved from right to left , up and down the columns of cyphers .
12 It darted up a tree with breathtaking ease , and the young man watched it leaping from bough to bough , as light and airy as a puff of grey smoke .
13 In Lesley Hall 's chapter on children 's perception , the emphasis is on visual search and how it develops from infancy to childhood and maturity .
14 The search for training which fits this description in the management of education is hindered in two ways : it has long been an area for tension between theorists and practitioners and it has from time to time been exposed to management models from fields where practice and purpose are very different from those of education .
15 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
16 The subscribers ought to be allowed the ‘ free entrance of light into these their pleasure houses as it steals from heaven without embargo or blockade . ’
17 Note that it slopes from front to back , higher at the rear .
18 His family 's local consequence reached a level exceeded only by the Seymours and the Herberts ; like theirs , it flowed from success at court .
19 Instead it increases from act to act .
20 Oh , but there is nothing quite like a hansom cab — as it shakes from side to side , throwing us against each other , deliciously …
21 It grows from strength to strength each year and the quality of the programme gets even better .
22 Thus , there is some degree of selfdetermination in the ship case because we are free to shut our eyes , to cross the river and see it move from right to left , free to jump into the water and watch it coming towards us , free to determine the speed with which it passes across our visual field by moving our eyes with or against its movement .
23 It varies from person to person obviously now know that Laura is talk to her ask a question after nine minutes erm absorbed to knowledge .
24 Yes , I think , I mean , it varies from day to day , but as you say the rumours at the moment are that the is being upped a bit and I think it would be different .
25 It varies from village to village does n't it ?
26 I think the problem is , that at the moment sex education is so arbitrary and it varies from school to school and from house to house I think they have to make it like a core part of the curriculum , make it compulsory and make it uniform throughout the country , so everybody 's getting the same education , the same quality I think that 'll help .
27 There is a very high proportion of police officers on the beat , although it varies from force to force .
28 Thus the activities of successive Conservative governments since 1979 may have made the re-emergence of local political activity more likely , but the form that this activity takes , how it varies from place to place and how it develops will be shaped by the interaction of local and national processes .
29 Where it is excessive , or where it varies from point to point , problems occur , resulting in cracking , disfigurement and detachment of the walls .
30 The paths of waves representing energy prone to scattering ( that is , the shorter wavelengths ) as it travels from sun to Earth are shown .
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