Example sentences of "it [verb] not [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If armour-plates of internal snobbishness divided millionaires from the rich , and these in turn from the merely comfortable , which was natural enough in a class whose very essence was to climb higher by individual effort , it did not destroy that sense of group consciousness which turned the ‘ middle rank ’ of society into the ‘ middle class ’ or ‘ bourgeoisie ’ .
2 They watched television with pleasure , but treated its political messages with much the same scepticism as they did ordinary speeches and broadcasts : it did not seem that television had greater persuasive power to mould Zuwaya minds than other media .
3 ‘ If it does not show that commitment , then the pressures from modern agriculture , neglect and creeping urbanisation will destroy all that is best in our countryside ’ .
4 Now whenever I speak , this provides grounds for believing that I have vocal chords ; but it does not express that fact .
5 However , the content required for such targets is inadequate for a true presentation of the Catholic faith tradition — it does not embody that content which adherents know as the essential elements of their faith .
6 Er in paragraph a hundred and eight of that paper and I 'd I 'd like to read er read a quotation out , However because an exception is not acknowledged it does not mean that provision could not be made for this .
7 Kiesling concludes : ‘ It does not appear that femaleness , femininity , womanhood as such is the barrier to woman 's receiving holy orders , but femaleness in a state of subjection . ’
8 But it does not work that way .
9 It does not help that Cherubini allows too little variety of pace , and that his lyrical gift is limited too .
10 It does not help that Cherubini allows too little variety of pace , and that his lyrical gift is limited too .
11 The net result may be neutral as Mr Lamont claims , but it does not look that way to the casual viewer who may as a result end the day in a gloomier mood than he began .
12 It does not follow that Parliament had the same intention when , whatever criteria are adopted , all spaces in the school will be filled in any event .
13 Now clearly a teaching approach which goes against the grain of natural disposition will create needless difficulties for the learner , as I pointed out earlier in reference to translation and the focusing on form , but it does not follow that pedagogy must therefore simply accommodate that disposition .
14 Even though a patient aged 80 years will usually face a higher operative mortality and a shorter expectation of life than a patient aged 40 years , it does not follow that surgery is not worthwhile for the 80 year old .
15 It does not follow that law can have any content .
16 One will be a reminder that , even if the above conclusions are correct , it does not follow that creativity and psychosis ( or the tendency to it ) are entirely synonymous .
17 If utilitarianism has no way of making equity matter , it does not follow that equity is unimportant or insignificant .
18 Although it is certainly necessary to protect ethnic minorities from verbal attack , and to signal society 's disapproval of all forms of racial abuse , it does not follow that criminalization is always the best method of doing this .
19 If it does not follow that fashion , many observers fear the country will not sustain its usual calm .
20 From the fact that in some circumstances consent is valid , it does not follow that consent to the government 's authority is valid .
21 Just because investment was not significantly lower on occasions when interest rates were high , it does not follow that investment is unresponsive to interest rate changes .
22 It does not believe that blanket measures to reduce overall consumption , for example higher taxes or restrictions on availability , would lead to a reduction in alcohol misuse .
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