Example sentences of "it [verb] that [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It argued that some extra form of local taxation was needed if local government was to preserve its separate identity .
2 It advised that all 16-year-old school leavers should be provided with some form of ‘ internal leaving certificate ’ containing a ‘ general school record ’ .
3 Now it happens that this particular part of the beaver 's brain , because of its position in the total wiring diagram , is involved in the beaver 's dam-building behaviour .
4 It noted that non-oil economic growth in the first quarter had been revised up to 0.7pc .
5 A more important problem with this treatment of the results is that it assumes that any particular rating means the same for all subjects .
6 Where the information is available , it shows that each modern nation is descended from a wide diversity of peoples , leaving aside all those who have joined or left down the years .
7 It states that any industrial action or strike called in any area of the union — the NUM is a federation of independent Branches , most of them geographically defined — must be sanctioned by the National Executive , or by ‘ a Committee … to whom the National Executive Committee may have delegated the power of giving such sanction …
8 If the soul 's fate was indeed predetermined , it followed that all human endeavour to bring about its salvation must necessarily be in vain .
9 It transpires that this particular law was discussed with the heads of the Moscow University Zoological Museum and two provincial museums without the Russian Ministry of Culture knowing anything of it .
10 We have not seen the details but it appears that Provident Mutual Life Assurance Association , Barclays Bank Plc.
11 It appears that this sad reality has finally sunk in .
12 It appears that this bloody bobby had been locked up two or three times .
13 It appears that previous senior management were not suitable for an establishment with such a high turn-over .
14 It appears that British secondary legislation follows a similar practice , whereby the date of coming into force of a statutory instrument is stated at the beginning , just after the title .
15 However , it appears that 2 star petrol is now unavailable in our area , so we have been using 4 star in its place .
16 This encompasses government imperatives as well as the management systems of the LEA and the school — it ensures that any clear sense of accountability , on the part of those at the ‘ production base ’ is improbable .
17 It seems that one underlying problem is your relationship with your husband , who is gradually undermining your self confidence by comparing you as you are now with the way you looked as a teenager .
18 Some of the evidence in this area has been discussed more than once in scholarly literature , yet it seems that little serious attention has been paid to it , certainly by those recently recording this repertory .
19 And thus it seems that liberal social democracy cossets and protects the aesthete as no other form of society does .
20 It seems that this dynamic view is closer to what Brooke-Rose has in mind when she describes her use of metaphor in the novels as recontextualization through the fusion of discourses .
21 As will be clear from all that has been said so far , it seems that this short time is barely adequate for the person concerned to have dealt with all the issues involved in adjusting to the death of a loved one .
22 In the absence of adverse circumstances , however , it seems that most short-term parent-child separations will not usually be associated with any psychiatric risk .
23 Second , it seems that any adequate account of language must include descriptions of abstract knowledge which makes production and comprehension possible ( see Chapter 1 ) .
24 These days , it seems that any musical anniversary divisible by five must needs provide an occasion for a major celebration .
25 Even in the clothing district , wage earners reached almost 53 per cent in the villages of Cosford hundred , but since they fell short of a third in the rising manufacturing town of Hadleigh , it seems that vigorous industrial growth pushed up the level of earnings .
26 However , it seems that some additional finance will have to be raised to finance the proposed purchase of property .
27 Be it known that this unique building was erected in the reign of our good Queen Victoria and in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty three at Eardisley in the county of Hereford .
28 ‘ If a company is serious about stress then it has to address the issues raised , ’ commented , a chartered clinical psychologist working as a consultant with KPMG Peat Marwick , especially if it emerges that certain internal working practices and management are the major factors in staff stress levels .
29 It follows that any significant increase in the number of defendants who are committed for trial to the Crown Court instead of being dealt with by the magistrates will itself engender further delays and so add to the growing remand problem .
30 If the Soviet state machine , the process of production and the producers , are directed by the party-state nomenklatura officials , who recruit by co-option from among the beneficiaries of higher education , and who in various ways benefit from privilege , it follows that this ruling stratum has some of the characteristics of a ruling class , though not that of ownership , except possibly in some collective sense .
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