Example sentences of "it [verb] that [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It agrees that compulsory treatment in the community is unacceptable , but accepts that the ‘ revolving door ’ patient who regularly defaults from treatment presents a genuine problem of management .
2 Though the Bank has accepted the report 's findings , it insists that continued support for the project is justified .
3 Nevertheless it insists that legal practice as a whole can be seen as organized around important legal conventions and this claim requires showing that the behaviour of judges generally , even those who are not conventionalists , converges sufficiently to allow us to find convention in that convergence .
4 The US Treasury began to experience a depletion of its gold stock , so in August 1971 it announced that official convertibility of dollars into gold was temporarily suspended .
5 It decrees that intelligent life in some way selects out its own actual universe from a variety of possible alternatives .
6 To start with , though his new car was an excellent and reliable machine , it lacked that complete superiority over its competitors which would have made it — as the Lotus , say , did for Mario Andretti — a necessary world-beater .
7 It concludes that intensive analysis of individual schools and classrooms is required .
8 It concludes that damaging levels of sulphur are deposited on 75 per cent of all European forestry , with the most severe impact occurring in those eastern countries which were once communist .
9 Extensive work by gerontologists on service provision for old people and their responses to it suggest that cheaper alternatives to some costly services might enable more of the elderly to remain fitter and independent of institutions for longer .
10 With limited exceptions , it proposed that all functions of local government be undertaken by a single authority in each area .
11 First , it allows that many kinds of circumstances can contribute to the course of events , and secondly it enables us to understand how these may combine to bring about dramatic and unexpected social changes which Althusser calls ‘ ruptures ’ .
12 ( 4 ) It happens that many systems of equations , particularly those of some physical relevance , have simple behaviour for extreme values of a parameter .
13 It noted that increased activity by Inland Revenue officers ( investigating those who had not paid tax ) had yielded an extra 71.3m of revenue in 1990/91 , which was equivalent to 2p on the basic rate of income tax ( Johnson and Jack 1991 ) .
14 Later , in a chapter entitled ‘ The Application of Paint ’ it says that recent books on decoration have ‘ done more to debase the traditional approach to decoration than to further an appreciation of its subtleties ’ .
15 It says that other owner of PWRs are learning a lot about reactor safety as the clean-up continues .
16 It says that 340,000 people with two jobs are being double counted , and there is a discrepancy of one million between the numbers claimed to be in self-employment and those self-employed people paying national insurance .
17 and I second agenda and erm we ask for your attention to para three point four er which is the financial part of this budget really and it says that some contingencies in nursery schools should be increased , erm that it is actually allowed for in the later budget erm the tax payer budget will be .
18 This is not a useful approach , because it assumes that all forms of intelligence are of the same qualitative type .
19 The major criticism of this approach is that it assumes that all information about the organisation is kept in documents .
20 It seemed that each member of the group had a question to ask concerning his or her own life , and the whole thing turned out to be a kind of Agony Aunt column — you took along your problem and were advised what you should do , and you did it .
21 In many respects it seemed that feminist aims regarding women 's rights in the public sphere had been achieved .
22 It seemed that any movement of hers would be a snub .
23 It seemed that both parts of his duchy were now in a state of unrest .
24 Robert himself disappeared , and it seemed that Scottish attempts at independence had yet again been humbled .
25 It claimed that some teachers in the primary school had allowed performance in the basic skills of reading , writing and arithmetic to be adversely affected by their inadequate understanding and hence uncritical application of child-centred , or informal , methods .
26 It shows that oral treatment with a standard dose of oestrogen not only prevents bone loss but after two years produced a significant improvement in bone density .
27 It declared that ultimate responsibility for the killings lay with the de Klerk government which provided financial , security and political support to Ciskei and which had failed to restrain Gqozo .
28 In a recent survey for the Glenpatrick News , it showed that twenty percent of the Elderslie workforce have twenty five or more years service .
29 It states that epidural analgesia with bupivacaine is associated with factors that adversely affect the infant , such as lower maternal self esteem , prolonged labour , use of oxytocin , and forceps delivery .
30 Also it promotes that holistic sense of the whole of life 's experience being brought into harmony , including the discords .
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