Example sentences of "it [verb] to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lord Fraser ( at p813 ) stated : The Crown contended that the definition in s454(3) ( now TA 1988 ss681(4) ) applied to all transactions that did not have a bona fide commercial reason , and that it applied to the present transaction , the sole reason for which was to avoid tax .
2 Meanwhile , Gower , who will be in India this winter commentating for BSkyB , last night changed his position on the protest , saying : ‘ I had hoped they might drop this before it got to the full meeting .
3 The tower was added in 1864 and it passed to the Metropolitan Water Board in 1904 .
4 Formerly a part of Kievan Rus , Belorussia also came under Lithuanian and Polish control until it passed to the Russian Empire under the partitions of the late eighteenth century .
5 Such ‘ normality ’ can surely apply not just to the sciences , but to any discipline ; it refers to the working acceptance of current assumptions and procedures .
6 In the foregrounding model , stylistic value has a slightly different meaning from that which it has in the " stylistic variants " model : it refers to the special act of interpretation which we make in order to make sense of what would otherwise appear strange and unmotivated .
7 A Design Change can be aborted using option 2.7.0 , Abort DC , if , for example , it refers to the wrong module or it has been activated through the wrong package .
8 In the early part of the April issue , it refers to the Veterinary College , but in the later part to the Royal Veterinary College .
9 Although he suggests he is not wholly against the permissive society , all that he can find to say in its favour is that it points to the continual necessity to make traditional values relevant to contemporary society , to the fact that the importance of the family , ‘ the very principles of order itself … are not … accepted by all ’ .
10 Oh come on Christopher come and sometimes it in the right panel , that 's the right panel there and then it goes in the left hand and then it goes to the right hand and then it goes to the left then right , the left , the right , left , right , left , confusing , but it 's that hand to start with
11 As for the £15,000 raised from the pub this year , it goes to the local church restoration fund .
12 But they , and many other organisations throughout society , also have the benefit of strongly supportive national policies and of state guaranteed funds on a scale that is not entirely incommensurate with the task of changing health determining habits : for a population the size of England 's , the total yearly Victorian Health Promotion Foundation 's budget is equivalent to around £140 million , and much of it goes to the voluntary sector .
13 Providing an answer , in contrast , is not simple and the search for it goes to the very heart of the Verkehrsberuhigung concept .
14 So Steve and myself are er have done a done a bid that we should know today whether or not it 's going to the main group , and if it goes to the main group , there 's a great chance it 'll be accepted .
15 ( It led to the partial withdrawal of the present writer from my political party and was a factor in my decision in the following year to join with others in setting up a new political party , the British Ulster Dominion Party . )
16 The last folly was finished in nineteen thirty-six and provoked such a public outcry that it led to the first-ever planning inquiry .
17 Indeed , it led to the so-called Euro-communism of the 1970s , when communist parties with quite substantial support , as in Spain , Portugal and Italy , began to distance themselves from the policies of the Soviet Union and its satellites .
18 The JC pronunciation is [ la : ] — in other words , it belongs to the lexical set of THOUGHT , not NORTH .
19 To see that this is the case , annotate each term below to say whether it belongs to the typical register of the birthday card or the register of the legal contract ( even if you have never seen a legal contract you can probably do this ) .
20 It is formed directly from soft tissue ( mesenchyme ) and not by ossification of cartilage and it belongs to the rare class of bones known as membrane bones .
21 It belongs to the one-act comédie ‘ meslée d'ariettes , avec un divertissement ’ entitled Le Guy de chesne .
22 Dating back to 1500 , it belongs to the National Trust and houses a remarkable collection of unusual treasures , collected by its rather eccentric former owner , Charles Wade .
23 In strict point of fact it belongs to the National Health Service .
24 It belongs to the beloved Leader 's comrades , that stout-hearted and fearless pair of white knights , the decorated killers , the implacable , the irresistible duo , ’ Franco dropped his voice till almost inaudible , ‘ Dumini , Volpi , famed for the elimination of their country 's enemies abroad , and for their service in the nation 's gangs — and gaols — and not least , for their closeness to the beloved , glorious — Long may he live ! — Leader of the people . ’
25 A nice enough chap and he was knowledgeable in theory you see , but when it come to the practical experience and the practical doing of the work , he would just say , Well what did you do the last time Jimmy ?
26 As the title implies it originally took place on Whit Monday , but when this ceased to be a Bank Holiday it moved to the new Bank Holiday .
27 It moved to the then co-ordinator of security and intelligence in the Cabinet Office , Sir Antony Duff , who was given the right of direct access to Mrs Thatcher and encouraged to override the JIC 's supporting machinery and voice his concerns at the highest level when a potential emergency was sensed .
28 It contributed to the financial package for the land consolidation works above Catanzaro and for a sophisticated park and ride system for Orvieto , both in Italy .
29 In the preceding generation it contributed to the general discovery of the complex and various causes of poverty , and to considerable public discussion of the problem of the aged poor .
30 But it was not instrumental music per se that gave Italy its centuries of primacy , though it contributed to the main form in which that primacy was manifested ; it was the continuing drive to make music express poetic texts .
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