Example sentences of "it [verb] make [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For them , the survey embodied the scientific method because it sought to make basic observations of the phenomena of interest and out of this formulate generalisations .
2 What can be done to harness this interest and give the public the scientific background it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain , the greenhouse effect , nuclear weapons , and genetic engineering ?
3 Take education : it has made gigantic strides against bitter opposition to reform the system , to raise standards , to monitor the results and to draw industry closer to the academic and the educational world . ’
4 This year we decided at the AGM to visit the Llangollen Railway , having learnt from the railway press that it has made rapid progress in the last three years .
5 Often as not it has to make several passes through the gravel before all of the suspended matter is finally trapped in the gravel .
6 Tonight there was a moon , starlight even , and he knew that after a few minutes away from the house it would be possible for her to see with surprising clarity ; but moon or no moon , it seemed to make little difference to her and she 'd been spending hours abroad at even the deepest , darkest point in the cycle .
7 One steel factory in Silesia found that it could no longer afford to make the heavily subsidised , high-quality steel it used to produce before the new budgetary regime , so it began to make smaller quantities of low-quality steel , which it found could be exported to Germany at a profit .
8 There is a host of community-related rural organisations in Scotland , many of which are purely social , or purely functional , some of which have broad ( non-party ) political aims , ( very few it seems make any attempt at all to combine social and political aspects even in a semi-structured way ) , but there has been little attempt to make learning connections between the assortment of community groups .
9 Often a change of publisher does wonders for an author , but it seems to make little difference to this man 's sales .
10 It aims to make more information about Gerson available , fund research projects , and eventually it hopes to set up a centre for people who want to try it , in combination with psychological counselling , according to Renee Henry .
11 Nor did it seem to make any difference to ability to perform everyday activities ( such as selecting the correct coins for shopping ) which were poor for many in both samples .
12 So the surprising feature of Ibstock Johnsen is that it continues to make any money at all .
13 By 1907 ITF activity was regarded by the shipowners as sufficiently serious to justify the setting up of an International Shipping Federation " to combat the growing forces of socialism and aggressive trade unionism " , but in reality it had made little progress in establishing international standards and the British market for seamen was still being substantially undercut by lower rates of pay of foreign labour .
14 Whatever had been achieved by the 1976 Act , it had made little impact on this case except for the removal of her name from the media .
15 Already it had made great play of how it had saved certain famous churches from its own bulldozers by moving them out of the path of destruction .
16 But it does make perfect sense in context .
17 Now , that is something , that one would find difficult to accept normally , erm , but seeing as our Councillor has been chair of transportation , I believe in the past and also leader of the County Council , that then it it does make one wonder about erm , bud bud budgeting and raising expectations of people around the county unnecessarily .
18 The CCC said that in order to make the transition from the current annual payment schedule , which is ordinarily in March , it intended to make three distributions during calendar year 1993 .
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