Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It supplies about a hundred pubs , and three large hotels in Skegness .
2 It tore past me , and I suddenly knew : the Wild Huntsman had commanded it to carry away a human soul .
3 But there is more meaning in the word slum than simply a foul street or yard : it denotes also a certain quality of housing .
4 The picture was clearly in her head , but it brought none of the old bitterness , because now she was seeing Alain , imagining him , and it wiped away the old grief .
5 But then when it goes just a little bit further .
6 It moves slowly , wearily and as if to ensure that you understand that it is tired ; it goes only a few degrees above the horizon , making a long , low arc .
7 It represents both the physical mihrab of the mosque and the spiritual archway to Paradise , and is often flanked by the " pillars of wisdom " ( pl. 31 ) .
8 It represents only a small percentage of total production .
9 But their principles of ownership and management could not be more different : private enterprise prevails in the West , while it represents only a tiny proportion in the East .
10 Thus in Lothian about 250 children — the vast majority not infected with HIV — are likely to suffer the death of one or both parents due to disease related to HIV in the near future ; this figure is probably an underestimate as it represents only the tested population .
11 Mr. Frisby believes companies often pay little attention to the contract , thinking it involves only a few pence per copy .
12 Friuli is a particularly rich site for bird trappers , since it sits aside the main north-south trans-European migratory route .
13 It became increasingly a political pariah , relegated to a marginal position in society , which could be safely ignored by influential opinion .
14 But the growing interest in it suggests that it offers both a possible way out of present impasses and a way forward .
15 Losing the left engine is trickier since it drives both the single generator and the sole hydraulic pump .
16 The scream cam from quite a way away , but it penetrated easily the thick walls of the study .
17 The government had promised a White Paper on inner cities , but in March 1988 it produced instead a thirty-two page glossy colour brochure , Action for Cities , and twelve separate press releases .
18 So do we understand from that that in the event it made only a few seconds difference , if at all ?
19 In practical terms this meant that , say , creating the illusion of a glass of wine was relatively easy , since it involved merely the subtle shifting of light patterns .
20 He raised his hand to his mouth in a gesture of dismay and held it suspended there a few inches from his face .
21 It accepts only a small number of students onto its course ( nine last year ) which was established in 1985 as a joint venture with the Getty Conservation Institute .
22 Whatever the status of this piece of research in modern psychoanalysis , it needs only a cursory glance at the problem pages of women 's magazines , particularly those for an older readership , to find that this syndrome of the woman who considers herself happily married , yet is bewildered by the concept of orgasm which she herself has never experienced , is still familiar .
23 It illustrates clearly the divergent needs of liquidity and profitability that confront most banks .
24 It is incomplete and it has also no structural significance although it is tempting to describe for example the " springs ' in terms of contractile polymer chains ( entropy springs ) and the " dash-pots ' as descriptive of the motion of chains through holes or barriers to motion caused by adjacent chains .
25 It has also a certain originality which provides a small surprise at the end of the meal .
26 A placid and leafy place indeed , except that it has also the local nickname of Enfer des palombes or ‘ The wood pigeons ’ hell' , because nowhere are these migrating birds more vigorously hunted on their autumn flight south than around Sare .
27 Some might accuse it of looking like a wedding cake , but I would suggest it has just the right amount of decoration .
28 It began with a budget of Ffr10 million p.a. and now disposes of 300 million ; it has over a thousand members , many of them professionals but forced to wander from excavation to excavation , without the opportunity to specialise .
29 Third largest in terms of oil , it has easily the largest gas resources in the Middle East being second only to the USSR on a world scale .
30 This project would not have achieved what it has without the professional generosity and sense of professional responsibility of the language and service disciplines .
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